Friday Field Trip Subject – Macro Photography

To remind all of you, the field trip is this Friday, July 7th, at sunrise. We will be doing some macro photography, in case you were wondering. This first field trip will be done around the house, in your front yard, back yard, garden or other area near home. I am going to use the Zinnias that we planted not too long ago, and are still small. I will also include some pictures of the baby hummingbirds. They have their eyes open now! I am using a Nikon Coolpix 3100, which is a small point and shoot digital camera, about … Continue reading

Field Trip Fridays

I am introducing a new feature for my blog, starting in July. I will be having what I shall refer to as “field trip Fridays”. Every Friday, I will invite you to join me on a photo shoot. Most of these events will be held early in the morning, usually around sunrise. There may be times when I will do a sunset field trip, so those of you that are not morning persons can still join in the fun. Requirements You do not need to be in great physical shape to attend the field trips, but you will need some … Continue reading