More Lessons from My Photo Evaluation

In my previous blog I detailed some of the notes I took while sizing up some of my recent shots. My photo evaluation (which basically consisted of me looking through and studying pictures I had taken during a 6-month span) was an eye opening experience that could have been even more beneficial if I had a professional photographer examining the same shots. But, alas this was a simple self-evaluation, which yielded some helpful points. For example: I need to take more action shots. This is quite different from including motion in your photos. You don’t want motion in your shots … Continue reading

Conducting a Photo Evaluation

For the past few months I have been creating photo pieces for my ailing grandmother. I have been using pictures of her grandchildren and great children (my daughter and my brother’s son) as the centerpieces of each project and as such I have really been able to examine my shooting style. If you haven’t done so recently I highly suggest going through several months’ worth of shots you’ve taken in various elements. By examining the photos you can see what areas you need to work on the next time you frame up your shots. Here are some of the notes … Continue reading

Telling A Story With Your Shots

When it comes to taking pictures I have a bad habit of getting caught up in the moment and not paying attention to the little details that can make or break a frame worthy shot. I’ve always blamed it on the fact that most of the pictures I take are of my 3-year-old. Given that she is in one place for a very limited amount of time I tend to rush my shots in fear that the image I want to capture will disappear in the blink of an eye (or at least as quickly as she sees me whip … Continue reading

Seasonal Photo Tips—Using Natural Light To Capture Fall Colors

Mother Nature is putting on quite a show in our neck of the woods. The trees are exploding with vibrant reds, oranges and yellows. I’ve already tried to snap a few pictures of my daughter frolicking amongst the leaves. But most of them are still clinging to the branches so I’ll have to wait a couple more weeks before I get a nice shot of her popping out of a pile of leaves. I love this time of year. Not only because the weather turns crisp and the leaves create breathtaking backdrops, but autumn provides wonderful opportunities to use natural … Continue reading