I Vowed I’d Never Look at Those Photos Again…

I vowed I’d never look at those photos again. They interfere with my life. I can’t get them off my mind and I can’t get anything done. Another packet of them arrived in the mail yesterday. I left them in the car overnight so I wouldn’t look at them. But today I couldn’t resist. I’m referring to the “waiting child” photolistings, online or on paper. “Waiting children” basically means children for whom there is no waiting family. They may be from the U.S. foster care system and hard to place because of age or number of siblings. International agencies use … Continue reading

Should You Adopt a Child From A Photolisting?

Since I have become immersed in adoption, one thing that has always drawn me is the photolistings. The faces of those children staring back at me makes me want to fill my home with adopted children. Many of the agencies that use photolistings are very ethical. They use them as a way of spreading the word about children who need homes. However, there are also some agencies that use photolistings as a way to bring in clients because they have trouble finding them in any other way. They count on potential adoptive parents falling in love with a cute face … Continue reading