Let’s Get Physical – Not Fiscal

DVDs, exercise equipment, gym memberships, workout clothes, personal trainers and fad diets are among the first things that come to mind when you say the words exercise or get in shape. The idea is to get physical and exercise, not get fiscal and flex your wallet. Yes, the fitness industry is a billion dollar one and there are new gurus throwing their hats in every day. You can get a tight body and maintain a tight wallet at the same time. There’s nothing wrong with that in a rising costs of our economy. So the following are some ways to … Continue reading

Morbid Meanderings Mean Much – Gastric Bypass Surgery

Yep, that’s a title that’s guaranteed to get your attention. Unfortunately, we live in a world where weight can get out of hand. It can become unresponsive to your lifestyle and dietary changes. You can even find that dieting is a misery that either a) doesn’t work, b) harms your health, c) leaves you feeling worse or d) al of the above. Luckily, modern medicine has achieved some interesting and downright amazing results over the last fifty years. Fir performed in the 1950s, the gastric bypass has spent the last two decades becoming a successful surgery that helps patients to … Continue reading

Watch What You Say

When it comes to the issue of obesity in our world, there is a lot of focus currently on childhood obesity. Parents are deluged with warnings about letting your child overeat, not telling them to clear their plate, take away all their sweets and shoving them out the door to make them more active. Unfortunately, we’re not being told what to say to our children. My five-year-old daughter came home from school two days ago and told me she wasn’t going to have chocolate anymore. I looked at her oddly, this pronouncement being somewhat odd from the five-year-old. I asked … Continue reading

It’s Just too Much Effort

The story of I, Robot by Isaac Asimov, later adapted for a movie starring Will Smith a couple of years ago demonstrates a society’s dependence on robots. Robots were created to facilitate mankind, to help them by taking over menial tasks and allowing man to grow beyond himself. In this imagined era, everyone can afford at least one robot and the 3 laws govern them. While I am not going to get into a debate or really delve much further into the 3 laws of the robots, I am going to tell you why you should just say no to … Continue reading

The Word of Wisdom

With the overwhelming onslaught of obesity in our nation, my mind is turned the Word of Wisdom given to the Latter-day Saints in Section 89 of the Doctrine & Covenants: 1 A WORD OF WISDOM, for the benefit of the council of high priests, assembled in Kirtland, and the church, and also the saints in Zion— 2 To be sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation and the word of wisdom,forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days— 3 Given for a principle with promise, adapted to … Continue reading

How To Prevent Childhood Obesity

With child obesity rates rising parents need to help their children. Exercise and diet are key factors in ensuring that your child will never be overweight and helping remove excess weight if it is a problem. Good Diet Choices Cut out sodas, juices, chips, and excess sweet treats. It doesn’t mean you have to eliminate everything, just cut back. My children only get soda on special occasions and we rarely drink juice, instead I serve water and milk. Candy, cookies, and ice cream are a treat, not an everyday occurrence. Help your children make good snack choices. There are many … Continue reading

Childhood Obesity Rising

According to the American Obesity Association, obesity among children and teens is reaching epidemic levels. About 30% of children and teens are overweight, which means that they are over 80% in the growth charts. Half of those children and teens are obese, scoring 95% or more in the weight charts for their age. Children, who are overweight, with at least one overweight parent, are 79% more likely to be overweight as adults. This epidemic is caused by poor dietary habits and inactivity. Fast food and high sugar processed foods are replacing yesterday’s home cooked meals. Today’s youth are more likely … Continue reading

Weight Loss Surgery: Who I Am

My name is Lisa Pietsch and in December of 2001, my life was changed completely. I had a Roux-n-Y Gastric Bypass. There was a great deal of pain involved in this decision. Surgery and recovery are painful. Having a stomach that only holds one ounce and accidentally drinking two ounces of water is painful. The physical pain, though it can be excruciating, passes. The real pain is in the feeling of betrayal and judgment by one’s friends and family. People who I expected to support me surprised and hurt me by accusing me of “taking the easy way out” and … Continue reading