Redirecting Rage

Have you heard of the phrases? Going Postal Cheerleader Mom Soccer Dad These phrases describe behavior that is related to a mood disorder called IED (intermittent explosive disorder) and it seems that about 7.3% of American adults have. There are a number of studies being done in American psychiatry in order to diagnose, treat and help to avoid the dangerous consequences of such behavior. Most people who are susceptible to IED are prone to bouts of anxiety and depression as well as more likely to suffer from substance abuse. One of the signs of IED is a sudden, explosive anger … Continue reading

Need Some Inspiration? Get Active!

The treadmill is a great opportunity for people to shed pounds and improve their health because no matter what the weather is, the time is or the hours you keep – the treadmill is available for your convenience. According to some figures produced by the Sporting Goods Manufacturer Association International, they estimate that only 20% of the population of the U.S. exercises or engages in some kind of regular physical activity. While this may not seem like a lot – 20% is about six hundred million people. That’s a lot more than a drop in the bucket. What’s scarier about … Continue reading