Natural Framing

I’ve touched on how to use natural lighting to enhance your photos, but what about natural framing. No, I’m not referring to the way your older son’s arms perfectly frame his younger brother’s head while he has him in his daily choke hold (don’t tell me that only happened with my brothers). I’m talking about taking a moment to examine elements that can be used to create a natural frame–be it tree branches, a pillar, or a wall. Take a look around before you snap a shot of your subject (regardless of if you are indoors or out). The number … Continue reading

Camera Care Tips

My 3-year-old daughter is a self-described “big girl” now and consequently she doesn’t like me to push her on the swings at the park. Instead, she feels it is her job to push me. Frankly, I enjoy the ride, and the other day it gave me the opportunity to witness an unfortunate scene. To placate her screaming toddler one of the moms at the park handed her son what looked to be a very expensive camera. Within seconds of getting his hands on the device he tossed it into a nearby sandbox. (Surprise, surprise.) I winced and wondered what might … Continue reading

Snap Happy Parents Unite!

In a previous blog I revealed that I might be a tad overzealous when it comes to snapping pictures of my daughter. I’m not nearly as snap happy as some parents, but needless to say, there are some days when I seriously consider constructing an additional room just to accommodate all of the albums, photo storage boxes, and picture frames I have filled with my daughter’s photos. Considering she is only 3-years-old (I’ve been snapping since the day she was born) one room may not suffice. (One of my favorite shots of my daughter stored in the “3-6 month” section … Continue reading