Pincer Grasp Practice

If your child is seven to nine months old, you may notice he is starting to attempt picking things up with his pointing finger and thumb. This, my friends, is called the pincer grasp. It’s an important milestone for babies to reach, because it enables to them to pick up small objects, such as peas, cheerios, freckles, or moles. “Freckles or moles?” you ask. That’s what my daughter is using her pincer grasp for. I was nursing her the other day and had just allowed myself to relax. She was latched on, my feet were up, and everything was great. … Continue reading

The Problem with Pinching

Many of us have known children (quite possibly our own) who have a temporary problem with biting as frustrated toddlers, but pinching can also be a problem that parents have a hard time figuring out how to curb. A sign or aggression, pinching can pop up unexpectedly and is more common to younger children—toddlers and preschool age, but can be found in early elementary-aged kids as well. What can you do as a parent to put an end to pinching behaviors? Whether your child is pinching as a means of retaliation or is the one using pinching as aggressive behavior … Continue reading