Pioneer Games

This summer try playing some of these fun games that pioneer children used to play. For more fun pioneer activities see my blog Celebrate Pioneer Day. Shadow Tag This game needs to be played on a sunny day. The person who is it tries to step on another player’s shadow. If their shadow is stepped on they have to stand still. The game continues until every person has been tagged. Then the first person tagged becomes it. If a player gets tired of running they can lay down. Then the player who is it can’t tag them. Ducks Fly This … Continue reading

Celebrate Pioneer Day

Pioneer Day is July 24th. Whether or not you had any ancestors who crossed the plains in search of religious freedom, better farmland, or even gold, this month is a great time to remember the many men, women, and children, who made the long trek across the plains to settle the west. So take some time this month to celebrate the pioneers. Share Pioneer Stories Pioneer stories are a great way to share the pioneering spirit with your children. Many stories are faith promoting; others express the dangers of pioneer life, while some are humorous. If you had ancestors who … Continue reading

Bonnet or Straw-hat Cupcakes With Homemade Ice Cream

To celebrate Pioneer Day on July 24th, gather together as a family and make some bonnet or straw-hat cupcakes and serve them along with homemade ice cream. The girls in the family can make bonnets and the boys straw-hats (since no boy wants a bonnet). For each bonnet or straw-hat cupcake you will need: Sugar Cookie Cupcake White frosting Food Coloring Decorations – fruit by the foot, mini M&M’s, sprinkles, other items 1. Cut off the rounded top of the cupcake (they will not crumble and be easier to frost if frozen first). 2. Frost the sugar cookie the color … Continue reading