Last-Minute Holiday Crafts

These simple, yet festive craft ideas are so easy to make you could put them together the night before your holiday guests arrive. Even better, have the kids join in and you can get the crafts done and your house decorated in half the time. PIPE CLEANER CANDY CANES Materials: Green pipe cleaners Red pipe cleaners White pipe cleaners Directions: Take two different colored pipe cleaners and match up the ends. Next, twist each pipe cleaner around each other all the way to the other end. Then, curve one end of the twisted pipe cleaners and presto—-instant decorative candy cane. … Continue reading

Paper Flowers and Vases

You can use tissue paper to make these flowers, or you can use two ply tissues, such as Kleenex, if you plan to make lots of them. If using tissue paper, start by cutting each sheet into squares. The squares can be large or small or you can make several different sizes, but you will need two equal size squares for each flower. For tissues, you’ll only need one per flower if they are two-ply, but you can use more if desired. You can also trim tissues down to make smaller flowers. Flowers can all be one color or different … Continue reading