Learning More about Megapixels

Along with new cameras and features, digital photography brings a world of new lingo that we now must learn to be able to work effectively with digital photographs. Everything seems to be measured in megapixels, but what exactly is a megapixel? Let’s explore the world of megapixels while we try to gain an understanding. Although I somewhat understand myself what it is and how it works, in order to delve deeper into the subject, I contacted my good friend Keith Randall with Ritz Camera for some more information. Basically he helped me understand and reword the knowledge I already have, … Continue reading

The Great Megapixel Debate

Lately in the digital photography world, there has been a lot of discussion, rumors and theories that are being changed, edited and tested to the extreme. The biggest debate at the moment seems to be that of the megapixel and how it effects the results of your photographic image. In theory, the greater amount of megapixels the camera takes, the better the results. However, many photographers are putting that theory to the test, and dispelling a major myth. In The Megapixel Myth, photographer Ken Rockwell tested several different camera’s with differing megapixels, claiming that he has gotten the same results … Continue reading

What is a Pixel?

What is a pixel anyway? pix·el (pĭk’səl, -sĕl’) n. The basic unit of the composition of an image on a television screen, computer monitor, or similar display. And how does it differ from film grain? A pixel, as you can see above, is the unit of measurement for digital. Film grain is an actual physical thing, whereas a pixel is a representation of something, usually on a computer screen, or your digital camera LCD screen. Screens are rated by their number of horizontal and vertical pixels; for example, 1024 x 768 means 1024 pixels are displayed in each row, and … Continue reading