Adoption Match Meeting

The adoption process is nothing like you see in the movies, there was no big home where you walked in and pick what child you would like to call your own. The closest comparison I can think of is like when you are trying to buy a house. The family who would like to adopt is asked to create a one page flyer that talks about your family, what your home life is like and what you have to offer a child. When a child comes up for adoption placement that matches the criteria that you have given, they give … Continue reading

Fostering is Rewarding

All my life I wanted to be a mother. To me there was nothing better than to eventually have someone call me Mom. I told a boss once about my aspirations to be a stay at home mom one day and she told me that only uneducated women wanted to do that. I felt so sorry for her narrow feminist viewpoint. In her world a woman could achieve success only by being a success in the corporate world. I’d like to see her try to wrangle a toddler and an infant. My dreams were not as easy to achieve as … Continue reading

Title Placement

Finding new ways to scrapbook, is always interesting. I like to keep things changing constantly, and find new ways to make old fun. After awhile, scrapbook layouts might seem dull and boring, but you can spruce them up and make them new and fun again! Title placement is an important aspect on your scrapbook layouts. Besides the photographs you choose, it is one of the first things that someone flipping through your albums see. When I am faced with making changes to my layouts, and finding something new, I often focus on the title. Have you ever tried changing the … Continue reading

What Do You Use for Displays at a Garage Sale?

Displaying items at a garage sale, can be quite tricky. But if you take a little time to figure out the best way, you won’t have any problems and you’ll make your sales and profits increase dramatically. Obviously, the key word is “display”. You want your customers to see everything you have to offer. Your display methods might differ depending of course on where you are holding your sale. Most people have garage sales on their driveway, some hold them on the driveway and overflow into the garage and others are exclusively in the garage. Still, there are others who … Continue reading

Fast Transitions

Length of transitioning varies from child to child. With older children, longer transitions are typically much more beneficial. Transitioning can be very critical to your child’s future and their sense of security. Our second son was only five and a half months old when he was placed with us. His transition happened in one week’s time. My husband and I spent all but one day with him; we brought him home to play, try out his crib, then brought him back to his foster mother. Though there appeared to be some grief the first few nights he was with us, … Continue reading

Celebrating an Adoptive Placement

What a joyful time it is in a family’s life when the child they’ve waited for is finally placed. Like most families, we were eager to show our child off and celebrate their entry into our lives. Here are some ideas I’ve come up to make this time more comfortable for the child: After Placement As much as you want to show your new blessing off, getting them acquainted with their new family, resist the temptation to do so right away. If your child is older, they are going to need some settling time in their new home first. It … Continue reading

Labor of the Heart

I’m not qualified to make a true correlation between physical labor while giving birth to a child, and the labor pains of the heart in adoption. I have never experienced child birth first hand. I had the honor of being invited while a long time close friend of mine was awaiting the arrival of her and her husband’s first child, a beautiful son by birth. I remember her contractions, the waiting for her next stage of labor to approach (she had a very, very long labor); the praying for her son, and for God to be with my friend to … Continue reading

Meeting Birth Siblings

I’m struck with awe every time I meet a sibling of one of my boys’. When I get ready to meet one for the first time, I expect to see this strong resemblance between them and my child. Though I can usually fish for some similarities, it is so difficult to look at a child who is not a sibling by our immediate family relation and grasp that the child is related by genetics. I have been blessed to get to know both of my youngest son’s half siblings and three out of six of my older son’s birth siblings; … Continue reading

Thinking “Attachment” During the Honeymoon.

When adoptive parents first bring home their new family member time is required for everyone to settle in and the honeymoon to be over. Generally, the first several weeks after a child has been placed with their new family will go well with few difficulties depending on the age of the child. Toddlers appear to have a slightly more difficult time transitioning because of their lack of ability to understand what is happening or express what they are feeling. The honeymoon is generally shorter with a toddler. Adoptive parents may have a child placed who clearly may have attachment difficulties, … Continue reading