The Final Stage of Labor

A few minutes after my baby boy entered the world, I felt another contraction coming on, weaker than the rest. It felt like a dry heave and like it was second nature, I gave a quick push. The placenta came flying out like a vaginal sneeze. I hope you weren’t just eating dinner while you read that last line. Don’t worry, I had the same reaction. The doctor held it up and I exclaimed, “Ugh, that’s attractive!” To this day, I still don’t know why I said that. My husband still makes fun of me for it because he claims … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Having a Lotus Birth

If you’ve never heard of Lotus Birth before, you aren’t alone. But you may now come across the idea throughout your pregnancy. Lotus Birth is the practice of leaving the umbilical cord uncut after the third stage of labour so that the baby remains attached to both cord and placenta until they naturally separate from the umbilicus. I learned a lot about Lotus Birth from Sam Pearson, and her article is linked at the bottom. With her permission I would like to quote a few paragraphs Ms. Pearson wrote on her own experiences with Lotus birth, to share why she … Continue reading