How Goes the Outdoor Challenge?

A little while back I talked about the outdoor challenge. Simply put, my challenge to you (and to myself!) was to get your child outdoors for as much time as they were spending in front of a computer or a television screen every day. How are you doing? I must confess to flunking the first few days, but I have an excellent excuse. My daughter came down with the stomach flu and it lasted for two days. When she’s sick, she watches more television, although I did do a good job entertaining her with books, naps, and those paint-with-water crafts. … Continue reading

The Outdoor Challenge

I have a spring challenge for you. As the days begin to get warmer and the snow begins to melt, it’s time for children to head outside. Of course, you may have been playing outdoors all winter, but if you haven’t been keen to embrace chilly weather and heaps of snow, here’s your chance. When the snow melts and snow pants and long jackets are less necessary, this is the perfect time for you and your preschooler to head outdoors. Children these days are suffering from a lack of outdoor time. They sit in front of computer screens more than … Continue reading