Playful Parenting: Learning To Be Playful With Your Kids

It’s easy to get stuck in a parenting rut, and let’s face it: parenting can sometimes feel a little like “Groundhog Day”— the same routines on repeat day in, day out. While routine and structure are incredibly important for our children (and us!) we can sometimes forget to have fun, according to BabyChick. We feel tired and don’t have the energy to get down on the ground and play with our kids, or we’ve simply forgotten how to let go, be spontaneous and whimsical, and use our imaginations. However, playful parenting can be an important tool or approach when it … Continue reading

Playful Parenting in Action

A while ago, I mentioned that I have been reading (and rereading and rereading) the book “Playful Parenting”, by Lawrence J. Cohen. Not only have I been reading it quite a bit, I have been test – driving some of the material. I am becoming a more playful parent, and I like that a lot. The kids seem to like it, too, and we seem to be having a better overall experience now than we have in the past. Yesterday, I spent the day alternating between fun play sessions with the boys and bits of “Mommy Time” where I worked … Continue reading