Triumph over Evil and Hate

Sometimes you read a book or watch a movie or play that resonates with your Christian life. Last night was like that for me. Last night my husband and I, along with two other couples, went and saw The Women of Lockerbie by Deborah Brevoort. You’ll find more info about it here or in the marriage blog. But one thing that struck me was not just the story but the theme of the play which is the triumph of good over evil, love over hate. And isn’t that what the gospel message is all about? People disobeyed God and their … Continue reading

This Is Why I Sing – part 2

Here is the second part of my list of praise points. I praise God for: Pansies and their happy faces coming out in our garden, also azaleas, primulas,and our first yellow daffodil is out. Human beings don’t ever seem to be able to produce that brilliant clear yellow God does in daffodils and wattle. Studying I John 3 with our Bible study home group I John 3 highlights the love of God and adoption into His family and the hope we have. It also teaches the importance of not continuing to practice sin but aiming to be increasingly holy in … Continue reading

Building Bookshelves

Yesterday the boys and I built a bookshelf. It is only an inexpensive bookshelf from the office store, but we were very proud of how it came to together and how it looks in our basement. While my ten old twins have pounded nails before, they had never really used hammers to actually build something. They were excited to see the shelf come together. I started the nails for them, but then they got to drive them in. I think we’ll use some scrap lumber to practice starting nails. I wasn’t sure how our shelves would hold up to blows … Continue reading