Games to Play: 12 to 16 Months

Do you love playing with your one year old? Baby games are a great way to spend time, teach and frankly, just to laugh and enjoy. Besides, toddler games help your baby’s development as well as fostering a closer relationship between you and your toddler. Patty Cake and Clapping By 12 to 16 months, your baby can hold their hands open. He or she may clap them together spontaneously, hold your baby’s hands and clap them together. You can lay on the floor in front of him or her or hold the in your lap – sing the clapping songs … Continue reading

Family Time & Overall Fitness

We’re a busy people and as families in busy America seem to spend more time apart than together. When it comes to spending time together, any time you spend with your family is healthier for all of you. So get your kids, get your spouse and head outdoors. It’s springtime and the weather is getting more pleasant, making outdoor time a great way to improve your fitness and increase the time you spend with your family. You can help boost self-esteem in your children, improve their self-confidence and increase the feeling of love and acceptance they feel from their parents. … Continue reading

Don’t Overload Your Kids

My daughter wants to take dance, gymnastics, swimming, karate and soccer lessons. Oh, she also wants to take a cheerleading class. The thought of enrolling in her all these different types of activities boggles the mind. I know she wants to do it. However, she is five years old and despite her seemingly boundless stores of energy, she can get burned out. It’s important to me to let her enjoy herself. I want her to be athletic. I want her to be competitive. But most of all, I want her to have fun and to enjoy herself. She takes two … Continue reading