Coming up with Some Household Policies

Of course we cannot run our households like businesses…or can we? Are there some basic business practices that can be adjusted to fit the average single parent household? One area where I think it can be helpful is to have some basic household “policies.” How will you handle extra-curricular expenses? What will be your stance on “sick days” from school? How will your family deal with chores or behavior infractions? Instead of thinking in terms of set rules, it might be helpful to develop family policies to guide you in overseeing your family. To share an example, our family “sick … Continue reading

Media Review: Opposing Viewpoints: Adoption

The Opposing Viewpoints Series from Greenhaven Press is a series I have long admired as a student, citizen and prospective educator. The series contains over 90 books ranging from Abortion to Welfare Reform. The series has been in existence for 25 years but is frequently updated. Each book organizes itself around four or five main questions relating to a topic. The editors seek out both prominent and lesser-known voices on various sides to give opinions from multiple viewpoints. So what is controversial about adoption? More than you might think. Some essays in the book directly oppose each other. The first … Continue reading