She Thinks Her Poop DOES Stink

Back in the pre-solid-food days in my household, poopy diapers were something my husband and I had to check for. If our baby was fussy, we peeked in the side of the leg gussets to check for yellow. If it had been a couple hours since the last diaper change, we peered down the back of the diaper to check for any mess. Sometimes she had poop in her diaper for quite awhile before anyone realized the need for a change. I miss the days when we weren’t sure if a diaper was poopy until we saw the poop with … Continue reading

The Frugal Baby: Cloth Diapers

Diapers can be a big expense in any household. Up until recently, I had two little ones in diapers, and it seemed like we were going to have to take a second mortgage out on the house. Now I just have one in diapers, but I still need to do what I can to be frugal. There are a lot of options out there when it comes to diapers, as well as some pitfalls that could cost you a lot of money over the course of your little one’s diaper needs. Although I personally use disposable diapers, there are good … Continue reading