Downsize Unhealthy Eating Habits

You can sneak hundreds of unhealthy things out of your diet and not even notice the absence! Are you ready to give unhealthy eating the pink slip? Try these sneaky tips to downsize your diet. Eat the actual fruit instead of the juice. You’ll get lots of vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber — the fiber will help you feel fuller longer. Snack on healthy fiber cereal instead of cookies or chips. Add fruit for extra sweetness and you’ll save a bunch of calories and cut a ton of sugar. Slow down! If you take your time with your meals, you’ll eat … Continue reading

The Human Garbage Disposal

Did you get the lecture about the starving children in Africa when you were a child and didn’t want to eat the meal that was prepared for you? Perhaps you might have found yourself using the line when trying to get your own children to eat. Were you forced to sit and eat every last bite on your plate that your mother laboriously and lovingly slaved over? To this day I have the hardest time leaving a little something left on my plate. When eating out I feel I need to get my money’s worth out of the meal. I … Continue reading

Portion Control

No, portion control is not a “dirty” word. Portion control is a necessary part of losing weight. If you’ve gained weight, it’s likely because your portions were too big and your choices were too fat-filled, carbohydrate-laden, or sugary (or a combination of all three). Losing weight is never easy. It takes a strict combination of portion control and exercise. But portion control doesn’t have to be about weighing and measuring. For some people, the mere idea of weighing and measuring their food sends them running in the other direction. For these people, and for anyone else who is simply too … Continue reading

Preparing Before Birth for Pregnancy Weight Loss

We talked about losing pregnancy weight last week, but for those of you planning to get pregnant there are some things you can do from the get go to help promote your pregnancy weight loss before you give birth. The following is some good information, especially if you plan to breastfeed after the baby comes, because this will help promote healthy eating habits before you start nursing your child. So, remember when you are prengnacy you don’t eat for two. You eat for one, you just support your baby’s growth and development through eating more: Fruits, vegetables and whole grains … Continue reading

Control Your Portions

Controlling portions is a great way to create a commitment to healthy eating habits. Long-term weight loss is often achieved through portion control because through portion control you can still eat several things that you like and enjoy. So here are some ways you can size up your servings and control your portions in order to help you achieve the weight loss you want. Portion Your Leftovers – Instead of storing your leftovers in a huge container, break it down into individual meal portions that you can easily take out and reheat as one meal Invest in Salads – Salads … Continue reading