Good Thoughts = Good Health?

I was at the supermarket on the Fourth of July because I had run out of dog food. This is a sure crisis in my house. Of course the supermarket was PACKED. I had to park just about as far as possible from the store and still be on their property, and even then I had to squeeze into a too-small spot because it was the only one left. By the time I managed to thread my way through the store, stand on line behind three equally impatient people, and roll my cart back through the parking lot, I was … Continue reading

Fitness Tips to Live By

I like to find some new, inspiring nugget to live by every day. I enjoy my calendars that are filled with little pearls of wisdom and quotes. In that vein, here are a few tips to inspire your personal fitness and to keep working on your exercise program. I hope they help. Take the Time Whether you are giving directions to a stranger or sitting down for extra hours to help your child master a reading skill, take the time to do it. It’s important to discover how to lend your head, your mind, your ear and your help to … Continue reading

Coping with Anxiety (2)

Anxiety got you by the throat? Or perhaps it has your stomach in knots and your heart in a vice. Help is at hand. Following on from Coping with Anxiety (1) here are some more tips for dealing with those anxious feelings that just won’t go away. • Give yourself permission to feel anxious about the issue that is concerning you. We often give ourselves a hard time over the way we are feeling, and in doing so, we make our anxiety worse by minimizing or even dismissing the reason that we are feeling anxious. We believe other people would … Continue reading

Positive Thoughts for the Day (6)

Staying positive has important ramifications for mental health. If we constantly think depressing, negative thoughts, we will eventually end up with a depressing, negative life experience. As simplistic as is sounds, thinking positive thoughts can literally change your life. In fact, research has shown that positive thoughts affect brain chemistry in a manner similar to antidepressants. With that in mind, here is your dose of antidepressant medication for the day! Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. Les Brown Earth laughs in flowers. Ralph Waldo Emerson Take rest. A field that has rested gives … Continue reading

Your Body Image versus Your Workout

When it comes to body image, a lot of us don’t like how we look. When it comes to working out, too many are discouraged if they don’t see immediate results. For example, you may have started a walking program and after just a few days you aren’t seeing immediate physical results. The lack of immediate gratification can be pretty discouraging. It’s important to realize that you are not alone in how you look. What I am saying is that even people who you look at and see thin and svelte may have as poor a body image of themselves … Continue reading

Positive Thoughts for the Day (5)

Be Positive! That is something be are all told to do. But sometimes it can be the hardest of things to do, because we are encased by gray clouds and problems loom heavy on our horizons. Here are some cheering thoughts from some of the greatest thinkers throughout time. To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with. Mark Twain A friend is, as it were, a second self. Cicero A faithful friend is the medicine of life. Ecclesiastics 6:16 By perseverance the snail reached the ark. Charles Spurgeon Have patience with all things, … Continue reading

Where Does Your Attention Go? (Part I)

There is a common saying that goes: where your attention goes, your energy flows. This saying refers to the idea that what you are thinking about, focused on or feel is what you attract. If you focus on the negative, then that’s what you create in the fabric of your life. For couples, this can mean if all you focus on are the tasks that your spouse doesn’t do or does poorly, then that’s the stage you’ve set for your personal dramas. Your negativity will reflect your viewpoint and you will experience a troubled marriage. It’s not uncommon for the … Continue reading

The Benefits of Positive Thinking

There are probably a thousand books available on the benefits of positive thinking and the use of affirmations. Affirmations are “affirmative” statements about yourself, such as “The interview will go fine. I will get this job!” Or “I am happy and calm. I am in control of my life”. What’s wrong with Positive Thinking? The problem with positive thinking is that, as most of us would know, it doesn’t always work! How many times have we gone to a social event and tried to convince ourselves that we are relaxed, that we are the life and soul of the party, … Continue reading