Peas in a Pod?

Are you and your spouse as happy as two peas in a pod? You might want to think about adding some of these Ps to you marriage if they don’t already exist. Patience Patience is a key ingredient within marriage. This is especially necessary when you are first married. That first year of marriage can be extremely difficult as you get used to the new situation of living and sleeping with someone else, of catering to their needs and thinking of them rather than just always pleasing yourself. You need patience because a good marriage doesn’t just happen. It takes … Continue reading

Is it Really You that You’re Unhappy With?

In some cases, marriages go bad because one of the partners begins to identify and dwell on the faults of the other. It can be very easy to find faults and focus not them rather than look at the positive things that a person does. While in several of my articles I have discussed accepting the faults of the other person and how we cannot change our partner’s personality, I am going to take this article into a little direction. When thinking about the faults that you have found in your mate, have you ever considered yourself? There is no … Continue reading

Change What You Can

We may not be always able to change our circumstances but we can change the way we view them. We can view life as hard and a drag, or we change our attitude to look for the blessings and positives in each day. While we were waiting for our move down to the South Coast, we were unable to change our circumstances. But we could change our attitude. Instead of resenting every moment of the delay, we used the time to draw closer to God and try to discover what the Lord wanted to teach us through the experience. It … Continue reading

Should I Send My Homeschooler to Summer Camp? Possibly Yes

We are now on the verge of summer and many homeschooling families are contemplating summer activities. The question of summer camp is on the forefront of many people’s minds. So should a homeschooling family send the children off to camp? I will answer this question in two parts. The first will discuss reasons you will want to send your kids to camp, and the second will discuss reasons you might not want to send your homeschooled kids to summer camp. Summer camp can be an excellent change of pace for a homeschooler. It will give them the chance to explore … Continue reading

Misinformation About Homeschooling: Don’t Believe the Lies!

In my article, Don’t Believe Everything You Read About Homeschooling,I talked about misinformation homeschoolers might find on the internet about homeschooling. I have now decided to discuss outright lies that are damaging to homeschooling, which I will follow with exaggerations made in the favor of the homeschooler. Lies About Homeschoolers: Homeschooling is great academically, but children can turn out as social misfits: I want to scream and tear out my hair every time I hear this, but then I would look like a social misfit. Perhaps there was a child somewhere who left his homeschooling experience shy and withdrawn. Perhaps … Continue reading

Don’t Believe Everything You Read About Homeschooling

When searching for information on homeschooling, please consider the source from which your information comes. I am a subscriber to Google Alerts and get a daily list of anything recently published on homeschooling, home school, homeschool, and home education. I have several problems with items featured in these alerts: Automated Articles: The information I get about homeschooling on Google alerts often appears to be automatically generated. There are programs that many online “writers” use to generate slightly altered duplicates of the same article. The information that results from these programs is rudimentary at best. It is doubtful that the sites … Continue reading

Are you pulling the plug on life?

Do you find yourself unhappy and frustrated for much of your day? Have you lost that sense of joy in your life? When was the last time you were truly happy? Here is a simply, yet effective way to increase your happiness quotient, and recapture the essence of your own powerful life-force. Take a sheet of paper and make two lists. One list should be of the things in your life that currently bring you joy and a sense of peace and wellbeing. Next, write a list of the people and activities that drain you and leave you feeling dispirited, … Continue reading

Positive Tales of Marriage

I have a challenge for my readers. Many of you have marriages and many of you had expectations when you go married. More of ten than not, our expectations influence our decisions both in the past and in the future. While you may not have gone into your marriage as that 10 or 12 year old girl or boy who considered what married life would be like – the expectations you set then trailed in on the train of your wedding dress or coat tails of your jacket. What Dreams Are Made Of In our dreams we knew what career … Continue reading