The Fitness Week in Review for December 9-15

Welcome to the third week in review for December and the end of our second full week. We’ve got just nine days left until Christmas and it’s been busy here in the Fitness Blog and I am assuming it will stay busy and that’s good for those of us trying to maintain our fitness amid the hectic pace that surrounds shopping, decorating, preparing and celebrating. So here is our Fitness Week in Review: Saturday, December 9 In Hoop Dancing – It’s Not Just for Kids Anymore we talked about a growing trend on the fitness circuit that involves aerobics with … Continue reading

Post-Natal Fitness: Aerobic Workout

Aerobic workouts are about maximizing the oxygen demands of the body, increasing your heart rate and respiration and generating some good old-fashioned healthy sweat. Any workout program you are going to engage in is going to have an aerobic component. Kaye Siders wrote about a great program she used called The Firm and there are some definite advantages to that program so you might want to check it out. Among my library of fitness programs is the XBox Yourself!Fitness – this is a gaming system workout that can also be purchased for the Playstation 2. This is a great option … Continue reading

Post-Natal Fitness: Workout Week Number 1

I promised the new moms out there some workout advice and a few posted routines to help kick start your fitness program. In an effort to cover all areas of fitness, we’ll talk about cardio and weight training this week. Next week, we’ll tackle an aerobic recommendation. Ideally, you should schedule a workout time for being 9 a.m. For most of us, when we work out first thing in the morning, we get our exercise in and we are less likely to be distracted from completing the workout later in the day. For new moms, you should have consulted with … Continue reading

Post-Natal Fitness – Testing Yourself

For most of us, when it comes to starting a fitness program, it can be daunting to look at the plethora of information available. Not only do you have to decide on a fitness program, you also have to figure out where to get started. So, let’s sit down and figure out how you can decide where you are with a little self-test. Cardiovascular Exercise The majority of exercise programs you are going to choose from will include a cardiovascular component. In fact, many personal trainers contend that you can’t lose weight or trim unwanted inches without a cardiovascular exercise … Continue reading

Top Fitness Choice for November

This month, my favorite series of articles focused on a reader requested need – the Post-Natal Fitness articles. A few weeks ago, a reader sent me a note and asked about articles that focused specifically on post-natal fitness and getting back into shape after having a baby. I’d done a couple of articles on post-natal and pre-natal fitness before, but I’d never focused specifically on this area of interest for women. The Post Natal Fitness Series Starting with So you just had a baby … and including articles on Counting Calories and The Marvelous Mid-Section and more. In the coming … Continue reading

Post Natal Fitness – Sleep is Vital

Yes, I know you’re sleep deprived and I know that you’re losing sleep and struggling to get things done, take care of that new little baby and you’re still thinking about getting back into shape. This is part of the reason why we hold back on getting started on our fitness programs until 6 to 12 weeks after the baby is born. By the time your baby is three months old, they should hopefully be on a regular schedule of sleep and so should you. Sleep is an important time for your body to perform repairs and maintenance for your … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review November 18-24

Good morning and Happy Saturday – what a crazy week this has been. For me, it involved taking some much needed down time and time off from the writing. Though you saw blogs from me here, most of these were written ahead of time when I could and others were written on the fly. My daughter and I planned to do a lot together this week, but she came down with a nasty cold at the beginning of the week so we spent a lot of our week snuggled up together and watching movies as we nursed her through her … Continue reading

Post-Natal Fitness: Ramp Up the Walking

Sometime between week 6 and week 12 after the baby is born, you may be looking to ramp up your walking program. Here are some tips that can help you ramp it up. Be sure to not miss any follow-ups with your ob-gyn and listen to your body. Don’t start increasing the incline and the speed if you experience pain, dizziness or other. It’s also equally important that you drink plenty of water, whether you are nursing or not, dehydration is not your friend. So without further ado, here are out Post-Natal Fitness Tips for today: Gauge your speed. It’s … Continue reading

Post-Natal Fitness: Your Feet Were Made For Walking

After the baby is born, you’re going to notice that a lot of things have changed including your personal energy levels. You’ll be delighted to know that your bladder function returns to normal almost immediately for most women. This means when it’s time to go to the bathroom, you’ll actually go to the bathroom rather than need to tinkle. We’ve talked about the need to make sure you attend all of your follow-up visits with your ob-gyn after the baby is born and I will stress it in any article I write about post-natal fitness. But sometime between the first … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review: November 11-17

Welcome to the end of an eventful week, as I described in last week’s Fitness Blog Week in Review, I’ve been trying to quit smoking. I slipped this week and you’ll see more on that in Day 11: Falling off the Horse later on today, but in the meanwhile, here is our Fitness Blog: Week in Review. Sunday, November 12 In Day 5: My Throat Hurts and My Sinuses Hate Me I described how I was doing in the cravings department, although Saturday I was miserable ill. We thought it might be the detoxifying, but as it turns out it … Continue reading