Confirmed! Postal Price Increase

You might have read the earlier post about my thought that the postal rate was going to be increased. Well I can now say that this information is confirmed. The postal service released an announcement late yesterday that stated that there will in fact be an increase in first class stamps and other postage starting in May, on May 11th to be exact. This does give you time to stock up on the forever stamp to save money. The Forever stamps can be used as first class postage at any time, even for future increases. Right now, you’ll pay the … Continue reading

Postal Increase: Stock Up on Stamps

Sending snail mail is one of the most frugal things you can do, because you really get a lot of service for a little stamp. Imagine, you can send a letter anywhere within the United States for only 41 cents. You can’t even buy a candy bar for that amount without some serious couponing. And, it doesn’t take that much more to send a letter overseas. But, as you may or may not know, the postage rates are going up here in America, starting on May 12th. The first class stamp will rise from 41 cents to 42 cents. Media … Continue reading