Popcorn or Potato Chips?

I know. I know. Neither popcorn nor potato chips should have anything to do with a weight loss article. Bear with me. There is a method to my madness. Look deep into your soul. Look deep into that dark place that you don’t mention to any of your dieting friends. You know the place. It is the place where you hide the knowledge that you have a guilty, starchy, greasy secret and I’m not talking about a baked potato. I’m talking about popcorn and potato chips. When I was growing up, we rarely had potato chips around the house but … Continue reading

Herrs Snack Factory Tour

In a previous blog, Factory Tours Are Fun And Free!, I talked about how friendly factory tours are for both families and their budgets. I am such a big fan of factory tours for their fun, frugality and educational value, that I will be highlighting some of the best tours around. I’ll be asking your help to tell us all about your favorite factory tours. For this blog, I thought I would start with my home state of Pennsylvania and highlight a tour that my own family really enjoyed. I am talking about the Herrs Snack Factory Tour. This factory … Continue reading