A Model to Follow

After a few excursions into various other topics I’ve finally returned to Nehemiah. In Nehemiah 9:I, the people of Israel gathered together. They fasted, they separated themselves from the other nationalities and they confessed their sins to God. They also read from the book of the law and worshiped the Lord their God, verse 3. They remembered what God had done and the way God had brought them and how He had fulfilled His promises to them. It is a good model for us to follow – one of confession of our sins and remembering and praising Him for all … Continue reading

Praise God in the Hard Times?

You’ve got to love children and the things they come out with. Here’s an example from the praise board in the Sunday school room of the local churches. ‘I praise God for making crabs and I’m going to get one.’ Don’t you just love it! It was interesting the other night when at choir to sit and read the things children praised God for. It reinforced what I’d been talking about the other day about how ready children are to praise God and how we can learn from them. Another one I saw recently was from a young woman who … Continue reading