Pray and Wait for God’s Answer

When you pray do you expect your prayer to be answered? Are you waiting on God and listening for His answer? Let me share one experience of how God answered my prayer. Recently I was asked to do a talk in front of a large number of women in a couple of months. Now, I’m happy to stand up and sing in front of a crowd any time but speaking is not always such an easy task or comfortable area. But it wasn’t about how I felt about it but about what God wanted me to do. No matter how … Continue reading

Why Do We Experience Hardship and Suffering?

There’s no doubt some Christians seem to sail through life while others have a hard time. They go from one crisis to another. To our human mind it may seem unfair. We wonder what God is doing. How can He allow some people to suffer so? Have you ever felt like this? I know I have. Paul gives some clues to this question in 2 Corinthians 1:1-11. We can take note of what Paul says because Paul is appointed to his task through Jesus Christ, verse 1. Paul explains in this passage to the Corinthians and and also to us … Continue reading


One of the biggest problems in society at present is that people want everything now. It’s this kind of thinking that gets people to run up massive credit debts and start a spiral of debt they cannot repay. It’s this type of thinking that sees a couple take out a mortgage for a house that is over and above what they can afford or need. Sometimes it’s no different in the Christian life. We pray and expect God to answer when we want it. In other words, NOW. But God doesn’t always work that way. The truth is that we … Continue reading

Why Are the Little Things So Important?

Often I think about what one aspect of living the gospel stands out as the most important thing that I should focus on, and I never can quite pinpoint what one thing is the most important. Every aspect, and principle is equally important to maintaining and strengthening your testimony. Each individual aspect works to make you balanced and whole, and neglecting one aspect such as personal scripture study, personal prayer, paying your tithing or attending the temple can all have a negative influence on you. It is important to remember that the little things help to maintain an overall peace … Continue reading

Only a Prayer Away

Recently my darling husband went through a lot of my 78s inherited from my Mom. In the process of putting them onto CD he picked up and played several I’d forgotten about. One such was ‘Only a Prayer Away.’ This song was later recorded by Elvis but the 78 was around long before that version. I particularly like this song because it talks about thanking the Lord for everything and counting your blessing each day. As you all know, I’m being on giving thanks to God and counting our blessings. And it’s such an easy thing to do. Once you … Continue reading

Stop Your Prayers from Becoming Routine

All too often I allow my prayers to become routine. My concerns seem to be the same over periods of time, and I find myself asking for the same things, and giving thanks for the same things. When my prayers become routine like this, I worry that they are not as effective as they should be. Here are some things I do to try and improve my personal prayers. I often pray silently, especially when I am not alone. If I find that my prayers are routine then I make sure that I find a good place where I am … Continue reading

Practical Examples of Trusting God When Satan Interferes

Last week Mick and I had our first visit this year to the local school to teach the children about God and God’s rescue plan for a sinful world. It was one of those mornings where everything that could go wrong, did – from the dog being sick, to dropping things, cutting myself on a can, to not being able to find the map telling us which classroom we needed to go to. To add to the problems, that morning I had trouble for some reason posting my blog. All just minor mishaps that created hassles and slowed us down, … Continue reading

Trust God to Provide?

Just as there are life lessons for us in Nehemiah 1, there are helpful principles for godly living in Nehemiah 2:1-20. Nehemiah 2:1-8 After prayer Nehemiah seeks permission from King Artaxerxes to return to Jerusalem. Nehemiah was so sad about the state of Jerusalem, the king noticed and asked the reason for his sadness. Nehemiah sought approval from the king to go and do something about the situation. Nehemiah knew he needed God’s help to make the king favorable to his plan. When the king knew how long Nehemiah would be gone he agreed. Then Nehemiah asked for letters requesting … Continue reading

Pray First, Then Act

The book of Nehemiah is not long – only 13 chapters, but it contains a great deal that is relevant to Christians today. In a way it is the other side of There’s a Need, So What? In Nehemiah 1 we see how God helps Nehemiah identify a need and then act upon that need. Jerusalem and its walls had been destroyed in the Babylonian invasion. Nehemiah hears from men from Judah about the situation facing the remnant that ‘had escaped and had survived the captivity,’ Nehemiah 1:2. When he heard the sad state of affairs, Nehemiah wept and mourned. … Continue reading

God Wants Workers not Shirkers

‘God wants workers not shirkers,’ that’s what a visiting minister told us one day in his sermon. Sadly, the case in too many churches is that too much is left to too few workers. This was never the way it was intended to work. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:4 that there are varieties of gifts and God expects us to use them. There are varieties of ministries, 1 Corinthians 12:5. Some people have a real knack for one to one relationships and welcoming people, but ask them to play the piano or do some up front job and … Continue reading