Sex Education Curriculums Need A Make Over

It seems as though sex education has gained a lot of media attention lately. There is much controversy over whether sex education courses should be offered to students. In many cases, parents must give parental consent before their children can take part in such lectures or courses. Recently The United States House Appropriations Committee examined the teaching of sex education. It was determined that much more effort is placed into teaching children about contraception and “safe” methods than actual abstinence. The committee voted to increase funding in order to provide more abstinence based education. In 2005, nine of the most … Continue reading

Intimacy in Marriage

There is no mutual earthly commitment I can think of that is closer than marriage. Sadly, too often vows are forgotten or betrayed even in Christian homes. Couples who don’t make a regular intimate connection with each other through prayer, sex, or other quality time are leaving a door open for Satan to tempt them from a precious covenant which God has instituted. Why does Satan make such an attack on marriage? As I’ve discussed earlier in this series of marriage blogs, God has instituted marriage not only so man would not be lonely, but I believe to help us … Continue reading