The Community of Christ Within the Larger Community

Have you ever heard that catchy expression, “Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words only when necessary.” What does that mean to you? For us, it meant a life altering decision to live in the inner city. Our church is unique in a lot of ways, but one thing that sets us apart is that most of us live within a 4 block radius of each other. This is not at all to say that it is a requirement to do this to be in our church. . .but that as a body we have a vision to reach … Continue reading

The Great Commission

The Great Commission is the mandate of God to Christians to spread the Gospel to every person. Jesus spoke the words of the Great Commission to his disciples just before He ascended into heaven. Matthew 28:19-20 may be the best summary of this mandate: “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the ends of the world.” This command, I believe, also applies to … Continue reading

Leading a Child to Christ in 4 Steps

Are you confident that you know how to present the gospel to people? Sharing the love of Jesus and His plan of salvation is a blessing, however, if you feel unprepared you may be reluctant to do so. Here are 4 steps you can use for presenting the gospel to children: 1. Show him his need for a Savior. Tell the child, “God loves you and wants you to come to heaven to live with Him someday.” Read Romans 3:23 and Isaiah 53:6. Ask him, “What will keep you from heaven?” Explain to him what sin is. A definition I … Continue reading

Week in Review: Skeptics to Being Busy

This week I wanted to put a little more focus on reaching out as Christians. I shared about dealing with those who are critical and skeptical; the challenge in witnessing to such and handling debates when they arise. I also wrote about the harvest of souls ready for a savior, giving your all, and making time for God. In Skeptics and Critics: The Challenge, I talked about some of the challenging questions asked by those who are skeptical of Christianity. The Bible tells us we should have an answer for the hope that is in us so it’s important we … Continue reading

Harvest Time

I’m not talking about the season of harvest that comes each year. I’m talking about a harvest that is year round. It’s a harvest of souls in need of the Savior. Unfortunately, this harvest is in grave need of workers! “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’” (Matthew 9:37-38) As I look around … Continue reading

Skeptics and Critics: The Challenge

Likely you’ll find those who are skeptical of the Christian faith are going to be the ones to challenge you in your beliefs. Not only might they ask tough questions you might not have answers to, but your very walk might be put under a magnifying glass. We as Christians really don’t have all the answers. It would be great if we did. It is difficult for so many to understand what it is to live by faith. It’s really important we as Christians be grounded enough so we know why we believe as we do so we don’t allow … Continue reading

Witnessing without a Word

We know we are supposed to witness to others and share the message of salvation. It is imperative for Christians to reach out to others and do our best to help show them to the Lord. However, sometimes how we go about witnessing may not be effective. Preaching will not work with most people. Many don’t want to hear the message of God, and they certainly don’t want to feel guilt for their sins. Preaching will likely drive people with this mindset further away from the Father, instead of leading them to salvation. Frequently, the most challenging people to witness … Continue reading

Post Nuptial Agreements

I really do learn something new every day. What the heck is a post-nuptial agreement? Have you heard of this? I never had, so I looked into it a little bit after coming across a reference to it on a forum. Apparently, this is a legally binding contract (as long as it is deemed valid in your jurisdiction) which is entered into by a married couple, after making their vows. Pre-nuptial agreements are obviously entered into before the vows, and they tend to be more about money and assets than other issues. Yet, the post-nuptial agreement can encompass many other … Continue reading