Physical Recovery After Miscarriage

Miscarriage is a physically and emotionally difficult experience. The recovery time depends on how far along the pregnancy was at the time of the miscarriage. In general, physical recovery is faster in very early pregnancy than in a later miscarriage. The recovery time is usually between a week and a month. The pain and bleeding after a miscarriage is similar to that experienced during your menstrual cycle. The bleeding generally lasts about a week and gradually goes from resembling menstrual bleeding to light spotting. Cramping gradually fades within a few days after the miscarriage. Your doctor will give you instructions … Continue reading

Emotional Recovery After Miscarriage

The emotional recovery after a miscarriage is often much more difficult than the physical recovery. The process takes longer as well. Months and even years after a loss, the pain can suddenly seem fresh again. One of the most difficult parts of emotional recovery is the reaction of the people in your life. Some people are very supportive and sympathetic. Others either disregard the depth of your feelings or discount the real pain you are experiencing. Most people mean well. They may say things that seem insensitive. This is usually because they are trying to make you feel better or … Continue reading

What is God Like?

As a Christian, I always think it is exciting when I find a verse in Scripture that gives me a clear picture of the Character of God. In Exodus 34, God tells Moses that He will pass by him and show him some of His glory. In fact, God says that His glory is so great that Moses will not be allowed to look on His face because the sheer magnificence of God would kill him. As God passes by Moses, He puts His “hand” over Moses’ eyes to protect Moses from seeing His face and dying. After He is … Continue reading