Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog Top Ten – Ways to Break the News

I distinctly remember the ancient Full House episode in which Aunt Becky attempts to announce her pregnancy to Uncle Jesse during a family game of Pictionary. First she drew a wheel of cheese, then I think she mocked cutting it in half, then came a bottle of ink, and of course a picture of a baby. Cheese. Half. Ink. A baby? Sheeeeshalvingababy? She’s having a baby! And the Tanner family erupted with congratulatory whelping. There’s more than one way to break the news of your pregnancy to family, friends and significant others, so why not make it really fun – … Continue reading

Let’s Talk Pregnancy – Ten Awesome, Easy Snack Options

If you are anything like I am during pregnancy, hunger has the tendency to hit you out of nowhere. If you’re really like me, then the sudden onset of intense hunger brings on horrible heartburn and nausea. I learned right away to keep small, quick snacks at the ready for just such an occasion. Here are my ten favorite, ready-to-go, grab-it snacks that kept me healthy and not hungry, in no particular order: 1. Almonds – This was my favorite easy-snack. They are full of protein and healthy fats, and always curbed my hunger with a simple handful. You can … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog Top Ten: How to Induce Labor Naturally

If you’re attempting to have the most natural labor possible, you’re going to want to avoid artificial induction at all costs. Not only are artificially-induced contractions often significantly stronger and more painful, but starting labor unnaturally can likely lead to further complications. The current state of your cervix will determine how likely the onset of labor is. No amount of any of these, save number one maybe, will produce a baby if it’s not time. Sure, there are plenty of old wive’s tales for starting labor naturally, including eating spicy foods or taking a ride down a bumpy road. But … Continue reading

Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog Top Ten: Your Must-Read Checklist

Pregnancy is typically the time that most women find a desire to read as many books as they can get their hands on, but why waste your time reading books that aren’t powerful and uplifting? Not that any one of these books actually trumps the others, but if you’re pressed for time and don’t want to waste any reading something useless, then this list is for you. Here is your top ten must-read booklist on pregnancy, childbirth and beyond: TEN: Pregnancy the Natural Way by Zita West. Just as the title suggests, this book can help you manage your pregnancy … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog Top Ten: Prenatal Eating Tips

This quick list will help you to make sure you get optimum nutrition during your pregnancy with ease. As long as you remember these ten simple things, you should have no trouble maintaining a healthy pregnancy, barring any unforeseen complications such as preeclampsia, etc. Along with your prenatal supplements, there are certain things that your baby will need to get from you while in utero. You could even print out this list and tape it to your refrigerator for a quick reference before snacking. Without further ado, here are the top ten tips to prenatal eating: TEN: If you don’t … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Ways to Achieve a Normal Birth

TEN: Allow labor to begin on its own. Getting induced with Pitocin tends to lead to further complications and more painful contractions. Inductions should be reserved for medical indications only. NINE: Allow yourself movement. You’ll be more comfortable if you are able to move freely during labor. Your labor will most likely progress quickly if you are able to keep active and respond to your labor pains by changing positions. EIGHT: Say no to routine interventions. Ask for intermittent, instead of constant, fetal monitoring. Having belts, cords or wires on your person can tie you down and won’t allow you … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons to Have a Small Sibling Age Gap

If you are thinking about conceiving a sibling for your child(ren), chances are you’ve wondered what the best time to do it is. It’s not a bad idea to take into consideration the age gap between siblings, for reasons such as rivalry and how the kids will relate to each other. I asked a group of wise mothers, all of whom have different ranges of years between siblings, what they thought were the best reasons for having a SMALL sibling gap. Here’s a breakdown of what they told me: TEN: Sibling Bonding If you have children who are close enough … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons to Have a Large Sibling Age Gap

If you are thinking about conceiving a sibling child, chances are you’ve wondered what the best time to do it is. It’s not a bad idea to take into consideration the age gap between siblings, for reasons such as rivalry and how the kids will relate to each other. I asked a group of wise mothers, all of whom have different ranges of years between siblings, what they thought were the best reasons for having a LARGE sibling gap. Here’s a breakdown of what they told me: TEN: Helpy Helperton Otherwise known as “Can you play with Junior for a … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons to Have Children Later in Life

If you are trying to conceive, you have probably come across information suggesting that women in their twenties are more apt to conceive than women who are older. This means that if you put off starting a family until after your career took off, or for any other reason, you may have a difficult time conceiving. Aside from that, there can be some major benefits to putting off starting a family until later in life. I asked a group of wise, hip mamas of all ages to share their reasons for when they chose to start their families. Here’s my … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons to Have Children Early in Life

If you are a young mother and are thinking of conceiving, you’ve probably heard opinions on both sides of the fence. It’s no secret that young women have an easier time conceiving, but should they? Studies are showing that people are finding other reasons to have children at a younger age. The trend is leaning toward younger mothers, coming full circle after the boom of women in the workplace. This may be due to the influence of the internet, and the fact that it is possible to work at home. I am a testament to women who can work from … Continue reading