How Do I Arrange for Future Contact With My Child If I Want It?

When a mother decides to place her baby for adoption through an agency, privately or independently she may choose to have a closed or confidential adoption or she may wish to have an open or semi-open adoption agreement with the adoptive parents. An open adoption might include some visits with the adoptive family and child during the years and a semi-open adoption usually means the adoptive parents will agree to send pictures and an update letter every now an then. Once in awhile even in an open or semi-open adoption things don’t go the way it was planned. Sometimes, the … Continue reading

How Would an Expectant Mother Arrange a Private Adoption?

Adoptions arranged without using an adoption agency are called independent or private adoption. These types of adoptions are legal in all States except Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, and Minnesota (at the time of this writing). With independent and private adoptions, the pregnant mother needs to find an attorney to represent her. It is important to find an attorney who doesn’t charge a fee if the mother decides not to place her baby for adoption. She would also need to find adoptive parents. Here’s some information about how to find both of these: To Find an Attorney Legal Aid Is a service … Continue reading

How Do I Arrange Placing My Baby For Adoption Through an Agency?

In every State, a pregnant mother can work with a licensed child placing adoption agency. In most States, a mother can also work directly with an adopting couple or their attorney without using an agency. Adoption agencies arrange most newborn adoptions. There are many different types of adoption agencies. There are some agencies that are for profit and some are nonprofit. When a pregnant mother contacts an adoption agency, she should be able to speak with a social worker and ask questions so she understands the rules and knows what to expect. If you are prenant and making an adoption … Continue reading

Should I Place My Child for Adoption?

The choice to place your baby for adoption is a difficult one. Adoption is permanent and the adoptive parents will raise your child and have all legal authority for his or her welfare. If you are thinking about placing your baby for adoption you need to consider these questions as you make your decision: Have I considered all the possibilities? Are the reasons you are considering adoption for your baby because of temporary problems? Money, housing, or not having a job at this time? Have you called Social Services to see what they can do? Have you asked friends and … Continue reading

Considerations in Adoption: Prenatal Drug and Alcohol Exposure

Ideally when a prospective adoptive couple or individual are planning on adopting, they are hoping to adopt a healthy baby or child. Often a couple won’t consider adopting a child whose birthmother used drugs or alcohol during pregnancy. Let me make note, before going further, that using drugs and alcohol during pregnancy is wrong. However, it is an unfortunate reality that women do use drug and alcohol during pregnancy and if you decide to rule out a prenatally exposed baby you are ruling out a large portion of adoptable children. In the past few decades long term research has been … Continue reading

I Want to Place My Baby For Adoption, What Do I Do Next?

If you are pregnant and have decided to place your baby for adoption, you still have some choices you need to make for your baby’s future. The hard part and decision has been made and now you need to decide what type of adoption plan is best for you and your baby. This is an important step to take as soon as you have made your decision to place your baby for adoption. Remember you are the mother until your baby is born and you have signed the legal documents relinquishing your rights. In some states, mothers have a period … Continue reading

Are You Pregnant and Considering Adoption?

Are you pregnant and not sure you want to keep your baby? Pregnancy causes many changes physically and emotionally, an unplanned pregnancy can be confusing for a woman. Talking with someone who can to help you decide if adoption is the choice that is right for you might help. You may want to talk to your doctor, counselor, minister and family before you make a decision. There are also places where you can receive professional counseling free or very low cost. Crisis pregnancy center. This is a place where they talk only to pregnant women and often only about the … Continue reading