Code Red: Planning for Pets When Emergencies Call You Away

This has been in the back of my mind for a while now because Wayne’s grandparents are in their mid-80s and my parents are in their mid-70s. They all live in Denver, and while Wayne’s grandparents are relatively healthy, my parents have both been struggling with increasingly declining health. So I’ve been trying to put some plans in place in case we get the worst call any person can ever get. Just yesterday I asked Wayne what we would do in such an emergency. “You shouldn’t think like that. You attract what you think about, you know.” “I know, but … Continue reading

Preparing for Difficult Situations

It is not only single parents and single parent families who deal with difficult situations and circumstances, true—but there are some situations that we single parents get that the average two-parent family doesn’t: custody battles and conversations, court appearances, meetings with exes and ex-in-laws, possible counseling, mediation and therapy meetings, meeting with grief counselors, lawyers, etc.—you get the picture. While each of these circumstances is unique and each person’s life asks different things of them, there are things that we can do as single parents to prepare ourselves and our children for these difficult and challenging situations. I believe that … Continue reading

How Do We Know if We’re Doing Things Right?

I occasionally find myself second guessing things in my home business. After all, I certainly do not have an MBA and even though I’ve been in and around various types of businesses for my entire adult life—how can I be sure that I am doing things right and not making mammoth mistakes that will tank my business? Well, I can’t be entirely sure that I’m doing things right—but I can be reasonably sure… I often hear beginning small business entrepreneurs say things like “But, how would I know really?” or “I don’t really know what I’m doing, but…”—so many of … Continue reading

How Prepared is Well-Prepared (and When is it Too Much?)

John F. Kennedy said “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining”—a quaint colloquial way of touting the benefits of preparation. When it comes to our home businesses, few would argue that preparation is not a good thing—but how prepared should we be and when does it cross over into being a waste of valuable time? Personally, I do have a line that once I cross it, my preparation becomes manic and obsessive OR I use “preparation” as a way of avoiding the work that I need to be doing today (how can it be procrastination … Continue reading

What Can Be Avoided?

Have you ever heard that the best way to cope with a disaster is to avoid it? How about “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” When it comes to parenting, the same rules of nature apply. Instead of finding yourself in the throws of temper tantrums and bad behavior with your child, it often makes more sense to figure out the causes and avoid it… I know that we parents don’t always see the behavior issues coming, in fact, that is one of the “joys” of parenthood–how much of a surprise every day can be. But, … Continue reading

Prepare Yourself for General Conference

I love listening to General Conference. It is a time when we are given counsel and commandments that will help us to live happier, healthier and more successful lives. The prophet and apostles speak directly to us, addressing the needs of our time. I love to learn what they have to say and to apply it my life. With that in mind, there are times when I feel that I have gained more from General Conference then other times. Of course the difference is really how prepared I am to listen and apply the words and how in tune I … Continue reading

Serving as a Teacher: Preparation

One of the most common callings in the church is teacher. Nearly every organization calls someone to teach. Many members of the church view teachings as something that is easy to do or something that everyone can do. As someone who actually studied teaching in school, I realize that there is a lot that goes into teaching, and it is important to take the calling seriously. Over the next few weeks, I am going to write about several aspects that can help you to become a more effective teacher in whatever organization you are serving. The first key to being … Continue reading

Preparation Procrastination

If you have ever been a teacher or spoken in church, you realize the importance of preparation. Ideally this should happen several days before your lesson, or at least the day before. Here are the top ten signs that you may be suffering from a severe case of preparation procrastination. 10) You ask your children to be quiet and have your spouse drive to church as look over your notes to pull everything together. You took the notes that morning while eating breakfast. 9) You spend your time in Sacrament meeting coloring and cutting out the handouts for this week’s … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Priorities and Preparedness

When we study the principle of self-reliance, we tend to think of it as a worldly law. And yet, the scriptures clearly tell us that Heavenly Father has never given a law that is temporal; all commandments are spiritual in nature (see D&C 29:34). How, then, is a law regarding our worldly state spiritual? President Kimball clearly states that “the highest achievement of spirituality comes as we conquer the flesh.” As we overcome our earthly bodies and worldly desires, we grow to be more spiritual beings. We generally think of this when we consider overcoming habits, but it applies to … Continue reading

Keeping Your Commitment on Valentine’s Day

Are you ready for Valentine’s Day? What are you planning? The key to staying on track is preparation. Holidays can sneak up on you. When you’re making progress, the last thing you want is a set back. Here are some suggestions for the holiday. 1. Don’t go out for dinner. Cook your own meal. Make it diet friendly. 2. If you do go out, don’t overeat. Wear form fitting clothes so that eating too much will make you feel uncomfortable. Skip the elastic waistbands. 3. Make a special request. Tell your significant other what you really want. It won’t kill … Continue reading