The Mechanics of a Sacrament Talk

One of my favorite classes in college was a public speaking course I took in my senior year. In truth, I took it to fulfill a requirement, because it seemed like an easy ‘A’ – and it was (I finished the midterm in about fifteen minutes and missed one or two questions). However, I really enjoyed the class and got a lot out of it. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we are frequently blessed (that’s the right word, right?) with the opportunity to present talks in Sacrament meeting. I would like to share a … Continue reading

Prepare to Read: Your Top-Ten List of Reading Supplies

We should always be prepared, whether we are or are not Boy Scouts. In order to truly prepare yourself for any experience, it is helpful to create a list. Reading is a very important undertaking and so, in the hope that I can help you increase the enjoyment derived, I have compiled the following list. You may wish to adjust it to your own needs and specifications, but it will get you started in the right direction. 1. The book. This may seem like a given; after all, who would sit down to read without a book? But you’d be … Continue reading

Young Men: Priesthood Preview for Eleven Year Olds

If you have a boy who is eleven years old, it is time to begin thinking about him receiving the Priesthood. In November, each ward should hold a Priesthood Preview for all the boys who are eleven years old. This is a meeting, which is directed by the bishop. The Primary presidency may be asked to speak during this meeting as well. The meeting will explain the responsibilities that the boys take on as they move up into the Aaronic priesthood. The bishop may talk about the worthiness interviews, as well as what is expected of the boys as they … Continue reading

Top Ten Kitchen Tips #1 – Meat

1. If you need to slice meat thinly, do it while the meat is partially frozen. It’s much easier. 2. When you marinate meat, put the meat and the marinade in a big zip-style plastic bag. This is convenient, reduces spills and cleanup is easy because you just throw the bag away when you are done. 3. Buy boneless chicken breasts or pork chops in bulk to save money. Freeze them on a baking sheet individually and then in freezer bags. That way, they won’t freeze in one big chunk and you’ll be able to thaw just what you need. … Continue reading

Taking the Plunge – Part 1: Applying for Work Online

Alright, so you finally settled on what type of home business you would like to operate, you’ve selected a catchy name for your company, carved out a little workspace in your home and now you’re finally ready to look for come clients. Depending on what type of business you have selected, you may decide to use the Internet to help find prospective clients. As we discussed in an earlier blog entry, there are thousands of Internet job board that list available positions in nearly every discipline you could imagine. Assuming this is true in your case, you spend a few … Continue reading