Adjusting Your Price Book with Escalating Grocery Costs

In the previous article, Our Changing Grocery Prices, I talked about how we’ve been having to adjust what we are willing to pay for some grocery items, in the wake of rising food prices. I shared some concrete examples of items from my mental price books and how I have had to adjust them, such as cereal, apples and eggs. Making these adjustments can be tough. Since prices aren’t steady, it is hard to know what the lowest price on something is or will be. Milk at $4 a gallon seems outrageous, until it rises to $4.50 on average. I … Continue reading

Our Changing Grocery Prices

Have you had to adjust to rising food prices? Of course we all have. One thing that has to be adjusted is those price books. Trends in higher prices can make your price book obsolete, since grocery food prices are rising across the board. So how can you adjust? I have a frugal confession to make. I don’t actively keep a price book. Yes, I know that they are a way of monitoring prices. So how do I even know that food prices are rising when I don’t have anything to compare them to? Okay, I have another confession. I … Continue reading

A Glimpse Into My Price Book

Keeping a price book is a really great way to help you cut back and save money. What is a price book exactly? A price book, is a notebook, or other method of recording information on various grocery store and other retail products, mostly price. Typically the items are listed side by side for easy comparison and the book usually contains the products you purchase the most. I thought it would be nice to give you a little glimpse into my own personal price book. Why I keep one, what it has done for me, and how I set it … Continue reading