Properly Handling a Photograph

Obviously the majority of us amateur photographers do not care as much about how to properly handle a photograph. But it can make a huge difference in how long your photographs will last and how much damage is done. Therefore, proper handling of a photograph is an important thing to learn, especially if you are at all interested in passing your photographs down to generations to come. Clean Hands One would think that this would be common sense, but you would be amazed at how many people handle photographs over lunch at a cafe with friends or dinner with relatives. … Continue reading

How to Best Organize Digital Images

Organizing digital images you have taken is an important process in taking digital photographs. Because digital images are different from negatives, they are stored in a computer or on a back up drive of some kind. The safety concerns with a digital photograph are far different than that of a printed photograph or a set of negatives. Two Places Storing your images should take top priority. This is your only ensured method of back up and I will tell you, that trusting your computer to save all your photographs is not a smart move. It is okay to keep them … Continue reading

Playing With Digital Prints

Digital photography has stepped miles and miles away from where it was, only a mere four or five years ago. It is light years ahead of where many ever saw it going. And while I am convinced that film is never going to go out, I recognize the changes that warrant digital to never leave either. So with all of the upgrades and advances in our digital technology, what things can you do with digital that was more difficult with film? First, film prints had to be scanned into the computer and then sent wherever you wanted them. Digital photos … Continue reading

Best Places for Photo Sharing on the Internet

Photo sharing sites have cropped up everywhere. It seems like everyone wants to be able to share their photographs with their friends and family in other locations. With the digital market what it is, I am quite certain it will continue to grow. Are you looking for a good photo sharing site, but are unsure which ones are good, and which ones are simply mediocre? Here is a great list of the best places for photo sharing on the Internet. Flikr Probably the most popular photo sharing site. With plenty of fun features this site has hundreds of thousands of … Continue reading

Imitating Designer Spaces

You may have seen decorating shows like Sensible Chic or Double Take that show you how to create the look and feel of a designer room at a fraction of the cost. These shows are great, not only because they help us achieve the look we want at a reasonable price, but also because they teach us how to pay stricter attention to detail. You may not even want your space to look just like the designer room, but you may have found inspiration in the design plan that you can use in your own home. It is the details … Continue reading

Decor Tips: Small Spaces

Decorating small spaces does not have to be an exercise in frustration. Small spaces can be just as comfortable and stylish as larger ones. All it takes is some creativity, efficient use of space, and an eye for detail. These simple ideas will help you pull your small rooms together and make them feel more inviting. To make a small room appear and feel larger, start with a light or bright color. Use this color throughout the space. Painting shelves, furniture and any other large items the same color as the walls will cause them to blend in rather than … Continue reading

Blending Prints and Patterns

When you look at designer rooms featured on television or in home magazines, do you wonder how they make all those different prints and patterns work so well together? You can do the same thing by keeping a few simple tips in mind. Choose Prints and Patterns with Similar Color Tones Fabrics should include the most dominant color in the room. They do not have to use the same color as their main one, but they should at least draw from that color family. Blending shades and tones of similar colors will help make different patterns work together instead of … Continue reading