How Do You Prioritize?

One thing that I really struggle with as a single mother is prioritizing. There is so much to do and still only twenty four hours in a day. I want to be able to do things with my daughter, I need to work, the yard needs to be taken care of, I have to do laundry, and vacuum. It seems like the list gets longer every day. I have found that I get so overwhelmed that I tend to laser focus on one thing. The most important job I have is being Hailey’s mom but doesn’t mean I can let … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Have a Do Nothing Day

Maybe it was all the stairs yesterday, but today I’m feeling a little worn and tired. I’m finding it hard to get through the normal routine of my day. I’m sluggish and mentally drained, so today I’m scheduling a “Do Nothing Day”. It may not be today, but it needs to happen soon. It’s going on my calendar. I’m practicing my response: “No. I’m sorry, I’m busy that day.” I don’t have to tell them I’m busy doing nothing, but that’s exactly what I plan to do. Stress is a killer, and I mean that literally. Every once in a … Continue reading

Have you got your priorities right?

Perhaps you’ve heard the story of the professor and his philosophy students before, but it’s a good metaphor for discerning what is important and what is unimportant in our lives. Let’s have another look at this story that’s traveled the world a thousand times over, yet its message still rings true. A professor stood before his class with a few items on the desk before him. One of them was a huge glass jar. He proceeded to fill the jar with golf balls. When it was filled to the top he asked the class was the jar filled. The students … Continue reading