Types of Adoption Part One: Domestic Infant Adoption

There are three main types of adoption: domestic U.S. infant adoption, adoption from foster care/state welfare agencies, and international adoption. Domestic infant adoptions, in many states, may occur in one of two ways: through an adoption agency, or privately arranged by a lawyer. One element these adoptions usually share is that the birthparent(s) have some say in who will parent their child. Many also include some degree of “openness”—that is, birth and adoptive parents have some information about each other, identifying or not, and usually plan for some form of ongoing contact, whether directly or through letters relayed by an … Continue reading

Private Domestic Adoption

I spend a lot of time on a number of adoption forums and there is one situation that has come up enough that I thought it warranted discussion. The question is usually along these lines: “A friend of mine called me because she knows we are interested in adopting. Apparently her niece is pregnant and wants to make an adoption plan for the baby. We have talked and she wants us to adopt her baby. How do we proceed from here?” What this person wants to do would be classified as a Private Domestic Adoption. Basically, they are going to … Continue reading