State Problems and Issues Out Loud

How often have you heard that the key to good relations is communication? Still, communication can be sort of a vague, challenging term—especially when it comes to family relations. We are so entwined and involved with our children that communication can get messy and complicated. One way to make sure that things aren’t getting dysfunctional and elusive, is to actually make sure to state problems and issues out loud and in as clear and “uncharged” language as possible. I think we can really get into trouble when we just expect our family members to “know” what is bothering us. We … Continue reading

When things Go Wrong

How do you respond when things go wrong in your life? When you pray and your prayers aren’t answered? Or worse still, the opposite of what you pray happens? This week I had two experiences of this. The temptation could be to get down in the dumps and say ‘then why bother praying. God’s not listening or doesn’t care.’ From previous experience and my relationship with the Lord, I know that is far from the case. So why do things not work out as hoped? Several reasons suggest themselves. One is, the Lord knows better than I do what I … Continue reading

What Can We Learn From Our Mistakes?

I remember being taught years ago that most of our most valuable lessons in life do not come from times when we do everything right. In fact, our most lasting and important lessons often come from our biggest blunders and mistakes. I know that I have definitely been making my fair share of mistakes since I started working on my home business. It’s amazing how those “mistake lessons” really have taught me some valuable lessons! Of course, this whole “learning from mistakes” thing is not necessarily something I appreciate when I’m in the midst of a big problem or mistake. … Continue reading

What To Do When Your Kid Mimics Inappropriate Behavior

Ah, the joys of school. Each day you drop your little one off. You know they’ll get a good education. You hope they’ll have fun. What you might not anticipate is the influx of new behavior you’ll be seeing when your child begins school. The other day, my kindergartener came home from school and without warning broke out in a dance. As a mother, I love it when my children dance, but this dance had a suggestive ending that was inappropriate for his age. “Where did you learn that?” I asked. Predictably, he saw another kid at school perform the … Continue reading

Is it a Problem or a Difference?

When you and your spouse are having a disagreement, are you having a problem or simply exhibiting the fact that you are both individual and different people? There is a – if you’ll pardon the pub – a difference. Understanding this difference can help you and your spouse to avoid unneccessary arguments and actually strengthen your marriage by giving you a foundation of mutual respect and understanding. What Is a Problem? A problem occurs between you and your spouse when an issue comes up that cannot be resolved quickly. These issues can be financial, household and more. A problem is … Continue reading

Unhealthy Relationships

Relationships are something we have from the moment we are born until we die. Healthy or unhealthy, our relationships begin with our parents, families, schoolmates, friends and so on. Every one of these relationships can help us, enrich us, and make us better people as well as simply give us joy. Unhealthy relationships rarely promote any of these feelings. Unhealthy relationships can leave us feeling uncomfortable, sad and afraid. It is very difficult for people to let the realization set in that perhaps a friend, co-worker or family member isn’t treating them well or respectful, as they should be. It … Continue reading

Relationship Problems

Relationship problems are the easiest to identify in other couples and sometimes hard to even begin to diagnose in your own relationship. The problem in the identification is linked to the level of involvement. In watching a television show about a couple having issues, the viewer is often given an omniscient view of what’s going on with both parties. They can see what ‘happened’ and what was ‘said’ and even how it was ‘misunderstood’ or ‘misrepresented.’ In essence, they are the watcher and their emotional involvement doesn’t color their perception of events because they have the luxury of being a … Continue reading