Nutrition 101: Health Benefits Of End Of The Summer Produce

Monday is Labor Day and the unofficial end of summer (or at least the end of summer vacation for many school kids). The long holiday weekend also marks the end of the gardening season, and if you are like my mom you likely have an abundance of tomatoes, peppers and squash (and have been generously doling out to friends, family and co-workers). In my mom’s case, her bumper crop has yielded so many tomatoes she’s been complaining that if she eats one more she’ll turn into a tomato herself. It got me thinking about the benefits of a diet high … Continue reading

Saving Produce to Save Money

Don’t throw it out! Is half of your summer produce winding up in the trash? The summer heat can shorten the life of fresh produce. But, if you have a few secrets in your kitchen, you can reduce your produce waste. I recently posted an article in the food blog called “Fun with Celery.” In that article, I gave a surprising but simple tip on how to make your celery last twice as long. The article made me start thinking about how we used to waste a lot of produce. I would by a variety of fresh and healthy fruits … Continue reading

Shop in Season to Save on Produce: Winter

If you want to save the most you can on fruits, veggies and nuts, you should always buy what is in season. Buy in bulk and freeze when you can. You’ll be sure to save on your grocery bill. Here is your guide to the best and least expensive picks on produce in the winter. I’ll also share just a few general ideas on how to use them, but be sure to check out the Food blog for recipes. Chestnuts There is a reason for “chestnuts roasting on an open fire.” They are a great frugal food for winter. Don’t … Continue reading

Frugal Gardening: Can You Use Store Bought Produce for Seeds?

There is nothing more frugal than using what you have instead of buying new. That holds true for gardening, too. One of the great ways to save on gardening is to save seeds you already have in your pantry or refrigerator. Using store bought produce seeds can be done, especially if you are armed with some tips. Not all store bought produce will yield variable seeds. Some produce produced and bought in stores today is sterile due to commercial growing techniques. How does a seedless watermelon reproduce anyway? Your best success is probably with produce bought at local farm stands. … Continue reading

In Your Kitchen: Protecting Your Family From Dirty Produce

A few months ago newspapers were full of stories about vegetables tainted with E. coli and salmonella. The poisoned veggies (spinach in particular) affected hundreds of people. In fact, the tainted spinach claimed the life of an elderly woman who lived in a city just a few miles from my home. Given our proximity to her death, the news made me sit up and take notice… and certain precautions. I immediately started doing research on products, which claimed to rid produce of nasty germs. One product in particular “CitroBio,” was listed on several health food websites. It’s basically a produce … Continue reading

Getting The Best Deal On Fresh Produce (Without Having To Grow It Yourself)

Recently, I have written a number of blogs about the benefits of growing your own garden. I have provided tips for the beginner gardener; the non-traditional gardener; and ways to get your children involved in gardening. I hope the tips came in handy. However, I am realistic, I realize there are some people (like my brothers) who wouldn’t be caught dead raking, mulching or fertilizing no matter how many tips I throw at them. And, I know they aren’t alone. So, with that in mind, I have come up with a way that you anti-gardeners can get the freshest fruits … Continue reading

Visiting the Farmer’s Market

You seem them on every corner during the summer months. Well, at least around our area you do. But if not, check in the paper. They typically advertise them. Utilizing your local farmers market, or small fruit and vegetable stand is a sure money saver. These wonderful resources are stocked full of fresh, ripe produce in all types of varieties. From juicy, sweet fruits, to crunchy, healthy vegetables, all of our favorites are present. And there is no better time of year than summer to enjoy some of these treats! So how do you save money at a farmer’s market? … Continue reading

Top Ten Kitchen Tips #2 – Choosing Fruits and Vegetables

I have a friend who worked in the produce department of a grocery store, so he let me in on a few tips for choosing produce. I’ve used them over the years and have had good success. Also, I’ve learned a lot from shopping at Farmer’s Markets over the years and having some hits and misses. Here are some tips that might help you the next time you are pondering the pineapples at the grocery store. 1. The best way to choose a pineapple is to use your nose. Smell the pineapple at the stem end. It should smell like … Continue reading