Deal With the “Real” Child (Not Your Projections)

Let’s face it, most of us had ideas and ideals about what our children would be like or even what sort of parent we would be. In reality, that little child may be quite different from what we imagined or our child’s behavior may be very different from what we thought we were going to be dealing with. It is important to be able to separate fact from fiction and be able to parent and interact with the “real” child, not project our ideas of who and what we hoped onto that separate person. A little well-placed delusion can sometimes … Continue reading

Making and Using Business Projections

If you don’t have a plan, how will you know where you’re going? Surely you’ve heard similar statements when it comes to running your life and running your business. And, while there are plenty of things that go down that our outside of our realm of control, having some business “projections” for our home-based business can not only guide us, but give us the tools to evaluate whether we are on target or not. I think of projects as being a bit different from goals. Projections are really more a measurable outcome–a way of setting tangible targets that we can … Continue reading