An Important Aspect of Marriage

Politicians make them all the time and though sometimes they are kept, other times they are forgotten, ignored or reneged on. Advertisers make them about their products, and too often we find their claims are not true. What am I talking about? Yes, you guessed it promises. Promises are an important aspect of marriage Promises When we married we made promises in front of witnesses that we would love, honor and cherish or obey, depending on the version of the marriage ceremony used, our spouse. At the time we, hopefully, believed we meant it. But what about when we find … Continue reading

Wisdom and Warnings from Proverbs

The book of Proverbs contains great wisdom. Here is one example. The passage is Proverbs 30:5-9. Over the next couple of days I intend to look at it verse by verse and see what truths can be gleaned from it. Proverbs 30:5 tells us ‘Every word of God is flawless.’ Sometimes people will challenge us, claiming the bible is full of contradictions and errors. This statement is invariably made by those who don’t know God’s words or are repeating what they have heard someone else say. The truth is every part of God’s Word will stand up to the closest … Continue reading

Under Promise, and Over-Deliver—For Parents

You have likely heard the phrase of advice “under promise and over-deliver” when it comes to work and business. The idea being that if you promise too much to a customer or client, and then are not able to fulfill your promise—you come off looking much worse than if you under promise in the first place, and then exceed expectations. I think this advice can be applied to parenting as well, and can be very sound advice indeed… I don’t know about your kids—but mine had memories like steel traps when it came to anything I said or did. Not … Continue reading

Keeping Promises to Ourselves

I like to operate on a reward system for myself. One of the ways I have discovered to keep myself motivated and encouraged is to promise myself rewards and “treats” at the end of a long week or after dealing with something particularly challenging (school conferences, filing taxes, paying bills, etc.) I think as single parents we have a tendency to keep our noses to the grindstone and we don’t necessary follow through on celebrations and rewards and make positive promises to ourselves that we actually keep. One of the things that we can learn as single parents is how … Continue reading

Promises or Commitment – Is There a Difference?

Is there a difference between a commitment and a promise? Yes, there is. It can be confusing I’ve known women who’ve been involved with men who made them promises but they were never actually committed. It’s a tricky place to be – where you hear lots of promises or you receive a lot of promises – but promises aren’t a commitment. For example, an engagement ring is a promise to get married – but it’s not a commitment. The commitment happens when you actually get married. That’s when you make the commitment. Yes, I know it’s semantics, but we live … Continue reading

Waiting Effectively

How good are you at waiting? I have to admit to never being good at waiting. Waiting is an area many of us find hard to cope with. Even that great man of faith and friend of God, Abraham found waiting hard. Yes, he was obedient to God in going out from his home to the land God showed him. Yes, he believed God’s promise to make of him a great nation, to bless him, and make his name great so he would be a blessing to many. Genesis 12:2-3. Years passed and nothing happened regarding descendants, so Abraham (or … Continue reading

Do You Talk the Talk, but not Walk the Walk?

This week I had to deal with an incident which is unfortunately very common in everyday life, but when it happens to a person suffering from a mental illness or some sort of emotional breakdown, it is even more devastating. It appears the world is not short on people who make promises to others, but at the last minute, will renege without a thought for the devastated person they leave in their wake. Do you do this? Occasionally, we really cannot make good our promises because of extenuating circumstances, but there are people who actually make a habit of making … Continue reading

Primary Time: November Sharing Time Theme

The theme for November sharing time is “Magnificent Promises.” This is a wonderful theme to have the month of November, because it focuses a great deal on gratitude. The theme focuses on the promises of eternal families and the chance that we have to live with our Heavenly Father again, because of the Atonement of Christ. You may want to share scriptural accounts of promises that the Lord made to his people, and how they were fulfilled as they were righteous. The theme talks specifically about the promises made to Lehi and Nephi about the Promised Land. The Jaredites were … Continue reading

Prophetic Promises of Family Home Evening

Family Home Evening was established by Joseph F. Smith in early 1915. Since then Latter-day Saints around the world have held Family Home Evening one night a week, to teach the gospel and strengthen familial bonds. Some find great joy in it, others find it to be a burden. I thought maybe sharing some of the prophetic promises concerning Family Home Evening might help each of us to have a deeper understanding and appreciation for this special night. 1915: “We advise and urge the inauguration of a Home Evening throughout the Church, at which time fathers and mothers may gather … Continue reading