Promptness Gets My Attention

I try to notice and look for things that other businesses and individuals do that I appreciate so that I can incorporate them into my home business. This is just one of the ways I attempt to bring new ideas and inspiration into my work. Maybe it is a form of “copying” but if someone gives me really great customer service or a business impresses me, I try to take note of it and see if I can use the same techniques. One of the things I am finding that dazzles is me is quick turn-around and promptness. While I … Continue reading

How To Be A Good Client

This may sound like an odd topic for a Fitness blog, but we talk about personal trainers, how to find a personal trainer and even looking at personal trainers online. When you work with a personal trainer, you are hiring them and you are paying them for their expertise and their time. You have the right to want and expect the best. On the other hand, your trainer has the right to expect some things from you. So let’s talk about the ways you can be a good client and help the two of you get the most from your … Continue reading