Surgery Day

Groundhog Day 2007 is pretty much a blur to me, I know I went into surgery for my prophylactic bilateral mastectomies and that I started to cry when I was going under anesthesia but that truly is all I remember. My husband and my mom were at the hospital all day, the surgery was supposed to last 14 hours. I know that seems like a very long surgery but the surgeons both had a lot of work to do. One’s job was to take the “girls” away and the others job was to make me new ones. My hubby and … Continue reading

Surgery Day Part One

Today is the day of my prophylactic bilateral mastectomies and TRAM flap reconstruction. I had already explained to my three little kids the best that I could why Mommy was going to be in the hospital. I explained that Mommy had Boo- Boo Boobies and the doctor was going to give me knew ones that had no Boo-Boos’. It was just the basics but it was enough for them. I kissed them all while they slept and my husband and I quietly left the kids in my mom’s care. She was going to bring them to daycare once they opened, … Continue reading