Collect Names and Prospects Using a Drawing

When it comes to finding a relatively inexpensive way to collect names and grow a database of prospects and interested individuals for your home business, there are few activities that can be as successful as a drawing. If you have public opportunities to meet and attract new people, holding a drawing for a free product or service can be a fabulous way to gather names of interested people. You can then follow up with these individuals in an attempt to cultivate them into customers. Even for those of you who do direct sales or visit with prospects on an individual … Continue reading

Touch Base Regularly With Prospects

This may seem like incredibly simple advice–but I am surprised at how often people sight “marketing to prospects” as one of those areas that needs to improve in their small businesses. We know that we need to do outreach and pay attention to marketing if we are going to build healthy home-based businesses, but we drag our feet. Or we get so caught up in the “every day” or going after the big sales, that we forget to nurture along our prospects. It might help if you set up a calendar and make it a priority to make regular, scheduled … Continue reading