Extending the Life of Your Carpet

If you want to get the most out of your carpet purchase, you need to take good care of it. Cheaper carpets can be expected to last three to five years, while more expensive carpets can last ten or even twenty years! You can extend the life of your carpet in the following ways. Vacuum the carpet regularly. When we had out new family room carpet installed, I asked the installers about the best way to take care of it. This was their number one piece of advice. In fact, they said that regular vacuuming is the absolute best way … Continue reading

Watching TV With Your Children

When my daughter was five, I made the crucial mistake of trusting a movie without watching it first. The show was “Madeline: Lost in Paris,” and my mom brought it over as a gift. I had things to do down the hall, so I put in the show and went on my merry way. Later I found my daughter in hysterics, scared that someone was going to chop off her hair. After I got her calmed down, she told me that in the show, Madeline had been told to make lace, and if she didn’t do it, all her hair … Continue reading