Protecting Your Home from the Weather

The weather can wreck havoc on your home no matter where you live. Here are some of the common weather occurrences and what you can do to protect your home from extreme weather, both in the short term and the long term. Hail Yesterday was a crazy weather day for us. There was rain, snow and finally hail. Of the three, I was most worried about hail. It can really cause damage to your home requiring major repairs even damaging your belongings. One way to reduce your risk of damage from hail is to install impact-resistant roofing. There is a … Continue reading

Protecting Your Home from Theft

This past summer, there were a number of thefts to homes in our area. Fortunately, the thieves were caught when someone in one of the neighborhoods noticed a person that she did not recognize. Her quick alert to the police put the thieves out of business. After talking to the thieves, the police learned some interesting information. In each of the thefts, the homes were not broken into. The thieves simply walked into the home, either through the front door, the back door or a garage. Furthermore, the police said that the thieves had specifically targeted our area because it … Continue reading

Post Holiday Crime Prevention Tips

The winter holidays and shortly afterward are prime times for crime. Communities often see a spike in crime around this time. Thieves know that many home will be vacant while families are out visiting, and they also know that there will be expensive gifts under the tree, just waiting to be snatched quicker than a wink. Two of the biggest post holiday community-based crimes are vandalism to personal property, such as holiday decorations, and thefts of property from vehicles. Juvenile vandals get a thrill from stealing or ruining your decorations. And thieves will cruise a neighborhood looking for unlocked cars. … Continue reading

Before You Leave the House, I

Don’t let the fear that you left the coffeemaker on or left the back door unlocked spoil your vacation or make your business trip stressful. Make a checklist and plan for your home the same way you plan for your trip. Think of all the things that you tend to worry about while you’re away and write them all down. Check off each item before you lock up and head for your car or taxi. The following list is a good start, and you can add other items as you think of them: 1. Turn off small appliances and unplug … Continue reading