Finding a Good Therapist

It can be very difficult to make the decision to go into therapy and people begin therapy for many reasons. It could be that the person is in so much emotional pain, that to do nothing about it is not an option. At the other end of the spectrum are people who don’t really want to go to therapy but are forced to by a spouse or family member. The odds of success are high for the former group and obviously much lower for the second group. But for whatever reason you decide to enter therapy, the one thing you … Continue reading

New Marriage Book: Would You Like to Help?

If you could help someone write a book on marriage, would you do so? Well, you wouldn’t actually be helping write it in this case, but you would be helping the author with her research. It’s quick, easy, and painless. Dr. Carin Rubinstein is a writer and a social psychologist from New York who contacted me about an upcoming book. If her name sounds familiar, you may have seen her previously on shows like Good Morning America, Oprah Winfrey, The Early Show, The View, and Today. Dr. Carin expressed concern over issues in her own marriage of twenty-five years, such … Continue reading

Insecurity in Adopted Children, Part 2

In July, 2004, we found out that the birth mother of our four boys had given birth to yet another boy. I will write on that event soon. I want to now focus on a detail of what happened. We quickly informed the state authorities that we wanted him. As we were making arrangements to pick him up, they described him as a beautiful child that was definitely African American. The boys are racially mixed; four of our five boys have African American ancestry. They all are various shades of brown, but only one clearly has the typical features of … Continue reading

Choosing a Therapist

Decided to take the plunge and seek help from a counselor? Congratulations! This could well be the start of a new, more effective, and successful phase of your life. Seeking help for personal problems is never easy, but making significant life changes is permanently rewarding. So, having made the decision to undergo counseling, just how do you tackle the job of finding the right therapist? One of the governing factors affecting what type of therapist will be right for you is dependent on the condition for which you are seeking help. People suffering from major mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, … Continue reading

Hi and welcome to the Mental Health Blog site!

My name is Beth and I am a practicing Psychologist with almost ten years experience in personal, group, adolescent, and community counseling. Before I became a Psychologist, I graduated and worked briefly as a Geologist, mainly in research. But, as fascinating as geology is, it’s been a much more rewarding experience to help people come to grips with their problems and work with them to find a solution. It’s always given me a great sense of achievement to begin a session with an extremely distraught person, and by the end of that session, to see a smile and a glimmer … Continue reading