Leave a Good and Lasting Impression

I talk a great deal here in the Home Business blog about marketing and public relations, as well as how to build a reputation as a small home-based business. But, just as it is important to set a good impression on the front end—when you are first networking and coming into contact with prospective customers and clients, it is also very important to leave a good and LASTING impression with people whom you have introduced to your business. You want people to remember you and remember you well. That is the basic goal of leaving a good and lasting impression. … Continue reading

Do You Need a Business Slogan?

Between all the talk of logos and branding and slogans when it comes to business marketing, you might find yourself confused. And, you may wonder what this all has to do with your little home business and whether or not it is worth your while to try to keep up with all of this marketing jargon. If you’ve ever wondered what a “slogan” actually is, then you might have let yourself wonder whether you need one for your home-based business… A slogan is like a tag line or a brief promotional statement that represents your business. A slogan might be … Continue reading

Watch the Stereotypes in Business

Just because you are a small, one-person business doesn’t mean you can get away with “personnel issues” that large companies can’t. Without policy and checks and balances to serve as guidelines, you might actually be more prone to stereotypes and prejudice in your home business. So, what’s the problem with stereotyping? Well, you could easily offend or drive away customers and clients if you share broad assumptions about people based on race, age, gender, income level, etc. Not to mention, it does not represent you or your business well. Even the most innocent seeming comments can display stereotypes. Saying things … Continue reading

Can You Justify Your Prices?

I have written before about the process of figuring out what your pricing should be in your home business—including how tough it can be to sort out exactly whether to charge by the hour, the project, or some other way. One thing that will come up, especially if you have set your prices on the higher end of the scale, is whether or not you can justify the prices you are charging. When I write of “justifying” your pricing—I do not mean defending the prices you have set for the products or services you offer in your home business. I … Continue reading

Accentuate the Benefits

Years ago, in my former life as a nonprofit fundraising and marketing exec, I learned a very important “rule”—accentuate benefits—above features, causes, or any other motivational factor. People respond to “benefits” and the more you can make a direct connection with how they and their lives will benefit from the products or services you have to offer; the more likely they are to become loyal customers. So, what does this actually mean and what is a “benefit”? Let’s say that you have a window washing company. You can tell customers that you: wash windows, use environmentally safe cleaning materials, and … Continue reading

Don’t Forget About Word of Mouth

I happened to be part of a conversation planning a little party for a colleague. Someone mentioned that we should get a cake from a very popular and specific local bakery. I suddenly remembered that I had been there only a couple days before and had the most fabulous, fresh peach mango champagne cake. I gave an instant testimonial and we were on the phone ordering the cake for our little celebration. Word-of-mouth marketing at work! Known in some circles as “Buzz” (this is a more recent term), word-of-mouth marketing has been a staple of small businesses for centuries! There … Continue reading

Think You Know Your Market? Don’t Get Too Complacent

Things change. That seems to be the basic fact of life whether in business or all other aspects of this human existence. Even if you have spent a good amount of time identifying and getting to know your home business’ target market, it is a good idea to NOT get too complacent. Even if you think you know your target market and business demographic like the back of your hand—it pays to avoid complacency and put continuous energy into staying in touch. When I talk about how your target market might be continuously evolving and changing, I do not just … Continue reading

Choosing the Right Words to Use in Your Marketing

Ever notice how advertisements and marketing campaigns seem to use words that are targeted to making you want to make purchases? Words like “sale” and “easy” and “best” are all common words that show up in advertising again and again. Have you given much thought to the words you are using as you work to promote your own home business? Your advertising or marketing should influence people to want to use your products or services. In order to do that, you are trying to let them know that your products are great, your services are great, and that they can … Continue reading

Brand New to Advertising?

If you have never had any reason to understand advertising and marketing before—and now with your home business, you need to be able to make some decisions about how to promote your business—getting started can be overwhelming. How do you know where to turn and what sort of advertising is best suited for your business and market? First of all, keep in mind that there are several different types of advertising and they have the ability to reach different markets: print, web, public (bus signs and billboards), television, radio, events and conferences, and direct mail. Within these overarching categories, there … Continue reading

Launching A New Product or Service

So, your business is humming along nicely and you have established a good client or customer base and you are feeling confident in the products or services you offer—so confident, in fact, that you are ready to try something new and introduce an entirely new product or line or service as part of your home business. Well, there is a big leap between “wanting” to do something and actually getting to the successful launching—so how do you get from wanting to doing? It really all comes down to planning. The more organized and detailed your plan for launching something new … Continue reading