Strange Potty Breaks

My 5-year-old is not big on using “strange” potties. And by strange I mean public. Automatic-flush toilets freak her out, and wouldn’t you know that nearly every public restroom we’ve ever had to use featured these high-tech commodes. Whereas I appreciate not having to see the remnants of a previous user’s bowels in a public toilet, clearly the designers of automatic-flush potties were not thinking of how scary it would be for a child to sit on a device that sounds as though it could suck them down whole if he or she takes too long going number one (or … Continue reading

When Should Kids Be Allowed To Use Public Restrooms Alone?

Maybe I’m overprotective or just plain cautious. When Tyler and I are out in pubic I never allow him to go to a public restroom alone. He either goes in the ladies room with me, we use one of the family restrooms or if it’s one of those one-per-person deals, he can go in the men’s room alone while I stand guard at the door. But apparently not all parents are so cautious. Take the case of a couple in Iowa who sued a Wal-mart store because they say their 4-year-old son was sexually assaulted in the men’s room. The … Continue reading

Bathroom Matters

Since I take my girls to many places on my own, I am regularly confronted with the matter of the bathroom. For obvious reasons, I take them to the men’s restroom, and I’m sure many women cringe at the very word “urinal,” let alone at the sight of one. While I’m not exactly sticking up for the quality and general cleanliness of most men’s rooms, I can say that, having worked cleaning bathrooms in a department store in my youth, that I found the women’s rest rooms much more disgusting. So taking them into the men’s room does not necessarily … Continue reading