Author Interview – Peter Bowerman

Today we are joined by Peter Bowerman, author of the book “The Well-Fed Self-Publisher” (TWFSP) reviewed yesterday. Peter, thank you for joining us. Your book teaches authors how to self-publish and be successful at it. My first question has to be, can any self-published book be successful? I’ve read a whole lot of really substandard self-published books in my day. I’d have to say – and this is based on my own reflections as well as a lot of feedback from readers – the biggest lesson of my book is the inherent viability of profitable self-publishing. “Profitable” is the key. … Continue reading

Author Interview – Lynne Jonell (part two) The Publishing Process

We are joined today by national children’s book author, Lynne Jonell. If you missed part one, click here. Lynne, when we left off yesterday, you were telling us how you got the idea for your first picture book. When did you decide it was ready to send to a publisher? At the time, I was taking a class from children’s author Jane Resh Thomas. Instead of reading the next chapter in my middle grade novel, I read Mommy Go Away!. And Jane told me– “Lynne, you have a gift. You think like a toddler.” I wasn’t quite sure if this … Continue reading

Author Interview — Elizabeth Petty Bentley (part four) What a Publisher Wants

Thank you for joining us for our fourth and final installment in our conversation with author and publisher, Elizabeth Petty Bentley. If you missed parts one, two, or three, click here. Beth, when we left off yesterday, we were discussing some of the novels you’ve produced through Parables Publishing. What inspired you to become a publisher? I can still hardly believe I am. I had to chuckle at the press release Arianne wrote calling Parables an East Coast publisher. Yeah, we’re on the east coast, but she made that sound important. What started it all was that GPC didn’t want … Continue reading

Author Interview — Elizabeth Petty Bentley (part three) On Becoming a Publisher

Thank you for joining us for part three of our interview with author and publisher Elizabeth Petty Bentley. If you missed parts one or two, click here. Beth, in addition to being an author, you’re also a publisher. When did you start Parables, and how many books have you produced so far? Can you tell us a little about each of them? Parables started in 1985. Scott Smith, who published “LDSF: Latter-day Speculative Fiction,” decided not to turn it into a series, so I took a chance. Benjamin Urrutia edited it, and we had some pretty big names, like Orson … Continue reading

Author Interview — Candace Salima, Part Two

Thank you for joining us for part two of our interview with author Candace Salima. For those of you who missed part one, click here. Candace, I understand that “Out of the Shadows . . . Into the Light” is just the first in a series. Is that right? Oh yes. The gang from Lost Canyon Springs are alive and well in my head. At the moment there are three books slated for the series, but I do see myself visiting Lost Canyon Springs off and on throughout the years. I just don’t think I’ll ever be ready to say … Continue reading

Celebrity Children’s Books: A Terrible Trend

A terrible trend has developed in the children’s book industry. Walk into any reputable bookstore, and in the children’s section you will find shelves lined with books written by celebrities. A rock star has written a book about “friends.” An anchorwoman has written a book about a tugboat. A comedian has written a book about holidays. What is the story about, and how well is it written? Who cares. A famous celebrity wrote it, and that’s all that matters. Children Crave Good Stories The fact that these celebrity books have become the latest rage is a sad statement about parents … Continue reading